Humor Section!

It does nothing at all for me; no perceived motion at all.
For me ... it's v-e-r-y s-l-o-w almost to the point of no motion.
For me it only moves if I move my eyes a little bit left or right. If I stare at it without any eye motion, nothing happens.
But it is very funny how simple it is to fool a brain (and I surely believe we all have one).
His laughter is so contagious!

Yes, the worse part is he works out of California. When this was shot back in 2016, they had a minimum wage of $10/hr. At $1.90 per car, the break even point assuming no insurance, travel time, benefits, car soap etc. (which is not the case) would be 11.4 minutes per car. In an 8 hour day, an employee would have to wash 42 cars for it to only cost Joe $1.90.

Talk about a cheap dealership! The same jerks probably charge $135/hr labor for service, yet replacing a blower motor that is directly under the passenger side hanging with three screws and a power connector (15 minute job with an $85 part) probably still gets billed at $600.
@MichaelBits Thanks for the explanation.

Damn Youtube with their "Video unavailable. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner" nonsense!
A snow angel is a design, made in fresh snow, by lying on one's back and moving one's arms up and down, and one's legs from side to side, to form the shape of an angel. Making snow angels is a common childhood game (in countries that get snow).
A snow angel is a design, made in fresh snow, by lying on one's back and moving one's arms up and down, and one's legs from side to side, to form the shape of an angel. Making snow angels is a common childhood game (in countries that get snow).
Thanks @Larry Sabo
Where I was born we did get the occasional snowfall, but it was never deeper than a couple of centimetres, so laying on your back to make a snow angel would be a muddy challenge! lol
Sometimes you may find a deeper spot like where it had been pushed up against a fence by the wind.
But along with the snow we would invariably get rain which would wash it all away...

I guess if I went into the Snowy Mountains "High Country" around Mt Kosciusko snow angels would be a "thing." :)

Adelaide - where I currently reside - is a shorts and T-Shirts all year round kinda of place!
Poem for old gits...

I remember the cheese of my childhood and the bread that we cut with a knife.
When the children helped with the housework, and the men went to work, not the wife.

The cheese never needed a fridge and the bread was so crusty and hot.
The children were seldom unhappy and the wife was content with her lot.

I remember the milk from the bottle, with the yummy cream on the top.
Our dinner came hot from the oven, and not from the fridge; in the shop.

The kids were a lot more contented, they didn't need money for kicks.
Just a game with their mates in the middle of the road and sometimes the Saturday flicks.

I remember the shop on the corner, where a pennys worth of sweets was sold.
Do you think I'm a bit too nostalgic? Or is it -I'm just getting old?

I remember the 'loo' was the lavvy and the bogeyman came in the night.
It wasn't the least bit funny going "out back" with no light.

Hung on a peg in that loo, were interesting items to view,
from newspapers cut into squares It took little to keep us amused.

Dirty clothes were boiled in the copper, with plenty of rich foamy suds.
But the ironing seemed never ending as Mum pressed everyone's 'duds'.

I remember the slap on my backside and the taste of soap if I swore.
Anorexia and diets weren't heard of and we hadn't much choice what we wore.

Do you think that bruised our ego? Or that our initiative was destroyed?
We ate what was put on the table and I think life was better enjoyed.

But a huge fact not hereto mentioned in this mushy tale of nostalgic rejoice,
is the reason we all "enjoyed" our lot. Was that we had NO BLOODY CHOICE!

Author unknown.