Humor Section!

Let's say this is $800

That's when you negotiate 30% off for Black Friday or Cyber Monday... or the weekend in-between (already applied). Now it's $560

Now you tell them you want 25% off for it being open boxed... Then you tell them that because it is already opened you want 15% more or 40% more. Now it's $336.

Finally, you explain that a keyboard will surely cost at least $150 for the part and 1 hour labor, so $186 will be fair.

You take it and get a new keyboard free of charge from the manufacturer being it's under warranty they mail it out to you... and you do a clean install of windows.

If we say it is a quality $800 laptop and you are a smart technical person that is good at negotiating, this could be a good deal. What avg non technical customer is going to look at this display model that isn't functioning and has keys missing and decide they want to buy this over similar priced models that are working with nothing missing? Even though they wouldn't be buying the display model, I'm surprised they would have it on display like that and expect to sell any of them.

I know I didn't include the price or specs in the pictures, but in reality this is just another one of those cheap $200 windows 10 laptops with a 32 emmc hard drive that nobody should be buying even in good condition. I'm sure it crashed because it ran out of hard drive space already.
One of Walmart's best black friday deals. It comes with a free blue screen but you have to pay extra if you want all the keys for your keyboard.

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LOL!!! Seeing that reminds of something I saw years ago, as in 15+. Sears, in one of their many failed efforts to generate more revenue, had not only started selling PC's, printers, etc, but they also got Apple to let them setup a store within a store, something that had been done at CompUSA and other places. Stopped by the local one one day to check it out. Shelf with 4 Apple laptops, all missing many keys and none working. And the sales people could have cared less.

1. You can't wash your eyes with soap.
2. You can't count every hair on your body.
3. You can't breathe through you nose with you tongue sticking out.
4. You just tried no. 3
6. When you tried no. 3 you realised it's possible but you looked silly.
7. You're smiling right now because you were fooled.
8. You skipped no. 5.
9. You just checked to see if there was a no. 5.
10. You're still thinking about no.1
Tales from the Trenches:

Let's start with one of my favorites. I'm working in the SOC for a managed security services provider. Basically, we're tasked with making all the firewall and IDS/IPS rule changes, keeping everything updated and alive, etc., and the logs flowing to the analysts. Anyway, I get a call from a user one day.
"Your firewall isn't blocking popups!", he complains.
"Uh, yeah. To do that, we'd have to block all of tcp/80 outbound from your users. I think they'd complain," I said, hoping that it would end the conversation there.
"I know how it works! I'm a CISSP!" he sneers. [Oh, God. One of those. Do go on, please.] "I demand that you make that change in the firewall IMMEDIATELY."
"So, uh, Will, you know that an 'immediate' change counts as an 'emergency' change, and you only get one of those per month. Are you sure you want to waste that on something which will break your whole network?"
"Don't treat me like an idiot!" he bellows.
"Okey dokey. Well, to ensure that I have non-repudiation on this one, I need you to submit that as an emergency change request via PGP signed and encrypted email, 'cuz there's no way my boss will believe you asked for it otherwise."

I mean, how many ways can I make it clear this is a bad idea?

So, the email rolls in. I gleefully log into his SGS and axe tcp/80 outbound from all connections, reset the conn table, and wait for the phone to ring. Two minutes later - my MOBILE rings. It was my friend who happened to work at that customer's site.

"What, the f*** did you people do? My whole userbase is complaining they can't hit OWA on the Exchange servers!" So, I told him.

Five minutes later, SOC phone rings. It's Mr. CISSP's boss. He asks us to change it back. "I'd love to, man, but that would be a violation of our contractual agreement. We can put in a request, and it'll get changed within 24 hours. I'll put it as high in the queue as I can..."

"I really, really need you to do this for me. What'll it take?" he pleads.

"Sign Will up for some basic networking classes?" I suggest.

"Oh, I fired him before I called you."

"You should have opened with that." <clickety> "Fixed. You should be able to browse, now."

And they remained a happy customer for years after that.
One casket said to the other casket, "Is that you coffin?"

Or, as my Dad used to say to us when we were kids (whenever we had a cough/cold):

"It's not the cough that carries you off – it's the coffin they carries you off in!"

(Which, apparently, was a phrase originally coined by George Formby Sr, the father of George Formby. Quite Ironic considering George Formby Sr died of tuberculosis.)
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This is my second-favorite one:

"You know what? It's that hippie. Cory, the night-shift hippie did this, I bet."
"Stupid data center gangster."
"Imma get fired now, that's what's gonna happen."
"No, you just do what I do. Say it's a virus attack. How do you think I survived 30 years in IT?"