Humor Section!

It reminds me of my first job when I was about 15 and a half in high-school. I worked for a grocery store chain which got a new manager.

I typically stocked shelves etc., but this jerk wanted to throw his weight around and asked (actually told) me to mop the huge walk-in freezer. I told him, "I didn't think that's a good idea."

Anyway, "Mr. Bigshot ordered I must do what's told... he doesn't pay me to think" (his words). Long story short... It was the start of an 8 hour shift, and he left. I dumped the mop bucket and filled it with plain water... then went in there and moped it about 8 to 9 times with a wet, damp mop, so the mop didn't stick to the floor. I would shut the door and let the water freeze to the floor after each time I mopped it.

I must have built up 1 CM of frozen ice on the floor! The only thing we didn't have was a zamboni machine. The best part was that he came back the next day to inspect the work after ordering all sorts of people to do stuff, and he slipped and fell in there hurting his tail-bone. When he was injured and hobbling, I looked straight at him and said, "are you okay?" He was like, "No, do you really think I look okay?" I responded, "Well, I don't think anymore." He was like, "I see that. Why is the floor all frozen like that?" I said, "Well, I didn't think mopping the freezer was a good idea at the time, but and you made it clear to me then that you don't pay me to think... to mop it anyway."

Anyway, he sent me home and terminated my employment. Then about two days later I get a call from his boss. He tells me that my boss didn't follow proper disciplinary procedure. That he is to verbally counsel me not to create safety hazards to which I explained actually that he ordered me to do it telling me he doesn't pay me to think, etc. Long story short, I got paid for those two days off work and being sent home early... I was un-terminated and assigned a new boss.

He was out on worker's compensation for about three weeks. When he returned, he was also reporting to the same new boss. I found out that he had other complaints at a different location and as such was written-up for this one.