Twas the night of Christmas, and all through the house
Not a PC was working, not even the mouse.
The Wi-fi was down, and the screens were all bare,
The icons were gone; no internet there.
My children were freaked out, the search engines dead
With no Facebook to look at, they were out of their head.
And wife with her tablet, could not even tap,
And everyone shouted, "to hell with this crap."
And out from my desk there arose such a clatter,
I looked at my laptop to see what was the matter.
Gone was my Windows and Adobe's old Flash,
A message appeared; my hard drive had crashed.
I grabbed at the phone, and I dialed who would know;
The one expert guy who'd make all these things go.
And 30 minutes later, guess who would appear,
The local tech guy, still smelling of beer.
He got here so fast, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that he'd do the trick.
He looked my router so battered and lame,
And cackled with glee, and shouted my name!
"You need a new router, your PC needs fixen'!
Your Windows is buggered! You hard drive needs blitzen!
You motherboard's scorched, no power at the wall!
Let me dash to my truck, and I'll fix it all!"
And then, in a twinkling, he showed me the proof
of how much it would cost, and I hit the roof.
As I shook my head, and was turning around,
He showed me the viruses that he had found.
His eyes-how they twinkled! It was kind scary!
He wanted my money, I no longer felt merry!
Yet I had me no choice, the job was well done.
The family was happy, their computers did run.
I told him his invoice was giving me grief,
He wanted so much I called him a thief.
I asked him instead, would he work for a beer,
To give me a break, as Christmas was near.
He laughed and he laughed, then he called me a prick
And I realized then, that this was no St. Nick.
So I pulled out my wallet, and gave him a card,
"There," he just smiled, "was it really that hard?"
He spoke not a word, as I paid for his work,
I realized then, I had been a big jerk.
"Thank you," I said, "for making things right"
"Happy Christmas" he said, "this was a good night."