Humor Section!

Though it doesn't look to be from the movie... definitely a take on the movie "They Live."
Can see a similar seen at about 1:07 in the clip.

Great movie, where Apogee got the line "Im here to kick ass and chew gum, and I'm all outa gum"; for Duke Nukem Game series.
Best scene in the movie was in the bank if I remember correctly.

They need to add, after, "Write a regular expression that would make other programmers cry blood," something like, "with zero annotation of any kind about its purpose nor any reference to input or output data."

I recall, vaguely now (blessedly), doing just that, and it's to my eternal shame. Didn't apply strictly to regexes, either. I learned the hard way that a few expository comments prior to blocks of code goes a very long way toward preserving the sanity of anyone who ever touches it in the future, including its original author.