Humor Section!

Cute and funny at the same time. This is just about the reaction of my granddaughter when I put her in front of me on mine at 8 months old. She loved beeping the horn and pulling back on the grips and saying, "Vroom, vroom"........ lol Then, I'd start it up and she wouldn't even flinch. She still loves motorcycles at 13 y/o. :)
Funny cartoon strip about MFA in the WSJ. Might need to load the link in an incognito window.

Worked just fine for me in a regular browser window. And, boy, do they have the security nanny world nailed in that one! Soon enough things will be such that you can get logged in at the end of your 8 to 10 hour workday, then have to lather, rinse, repeat the following day.
Funny story but true....
My neighbor "Dot" (short for Dorothy) and who's last name was "Tickle" lol rode her Honda 90cc "Stepthrough" to work at a commercial laundry every day for about 30 ish years until the laundry closed.
Funny thing is she never possessed a motorcycle license nor was it ever registered or insured!

She never once got caught!
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Cute and funny at the same time. This is just about the reaction of my granddaughter when I put her in front of me on mine at 8 months old. She loved beeping the horn and pulling back on the grips and saying, "Vroom, vroom"........ lol Then, I'd start it up and she wouldn't even flinch. She still loves motorcycles at 13 y/o. :)
I loved the various dirt bikes I owned and rode when I was a young man.
Kawasaki IT 250, Yamaha YZ 250, Honda CR, Suzuki ?? (dont remember the model now) and a Husqvarna 430WR (Almost killed myself on the Husky!)
I used to ride every weekend in the Styx River State Forest (and others) on the hundreds of kilometers of fire trails.
Loved the open air, the unpredictability of the trails after wind (trees, branches down) or rain (mud and slippery tracks) and of course the leeches that used to invade every piece of clothing and helmet.
We would spend an hour detaching leeches off each other after every ride.

About the same time I purchased 1100 acres of prime New England land and turned my hand to grazing cattle. That didn't go so well but that's another story.
Anyway. My Daughter - who was about 6? at the time used to come with me on the bike when I went to inspect fences, cattle, dams etc. She loved it and couldn't wait to ask her Mum if it was ok to "go with Daddy!"
She's 42 years old now, never actually rode a bike and has no desire to even though her and her husband own a 26,000 acre property! It's 11 kilometers from the front gate to her front door!

Edit to add: Trying to find a "skid lid" (helmet) that wasn't too heavy for her head/neck and was also safe was a problem, but we did find one that offered protection and wasn't too heavy.
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Soon enough things will be such that you can get logged in at the end of your 8 to 10 hour workday, then have to lather, rinse, repeat the following day.
Yeah it's getting pretty annoying. I use several websites, none financial institutions, on a regular basis, sometimes several times a day. Lately they've been killing the session at apparently random intervals. Sometimes I've had to re-auth after just a couple of hours. Which is annoying if was tied to a cell I don't have it with me at the moment. Normally I try to use emails since those are accessible on all my devices.