R-Studio Technician w USB Stabilizer


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Owensboro, Kentucky
So I just purchased the whole package and have successfully retrieved some data that I otherwise would not been able to with a previous mechanical drive and thumb drive. That's good. I am currently working with a different mechanical drive that is failing. The drive does not boot in the machine but goes into endless repair. I retrieved data from it using R-Studio and later found that I could have simply put the drive in a dock and retrieved data in Windows without using R-Studio. What I desperately need is for this OS to boot again. Forgive my ignorance. Regarding this new tool (R-Studio), I'm unsure what tools I might have that could assist me in accomplishing this. Thank you for your time in advance.
What I desperately need is for this OS to boot again
What specifically are you looking to do? Recover an old, unsupported program? R-Studio never had anything to do with OS repair. I'd make a couple of image copies and work with those. If you did a disk to disk image you could boot from a PE and try to run repair tools.
I figured that would be the case, I just thought I'd ask. But yes, we're trying to get the Win 11 OS that is on the dying drive to boot again. I did attempt to use a dupicator, which also failed.
What happens when you try to boot. As in what's on the screen. In that case I'd put it on another disk then try booting to a W11 installer and see if you can do a repair install
Of course, just like we did with Windows 10. Why didn't I think of that.

Because when one gets tired and/or flustered, this is not uncommon at all. Everyone here has had to have been there, done that, got the T-Shirt.

This is one of the reasons when I know I've reached the end of my rope I will just walk away and come back later. You get to the point that the things you do know are just blocked. Often, they come bubbling out again if you "sleep on it."
The advantage of using stabilizer and R-Studio for such cases is that the drive is connected in read only mode, preventing writing to the drive and risking more damage on a drive in an unknown condition.

Use R-studio to make a full drive-to-drive clone and focus on trying to repair windows knowing you now have a full backup copy.