Snappy Driver Installer

Why do you need yearly payment? Just set your pledge lower. You don't have to do anything each month. Patreon automatically does monthly transfers. If a transaction fails, Patreon notifies users and gives instruction on how to fix issues.

The public facing estimate of income takes into account fees and declines, so the displayed amount reflects the actual amount that we receive.
Why do you need yearly payment?

From an accounting point of view, I'd rather put one payment into my accounts than 12. Sure, it's only one payment a month but it's another one and it saves time to minimise paperwork if you can, especially when you haven't got someone else to do the books!

As I say, I'd rather keep SDI going and pay monthly, but a yearly subscription would be even better.
It's possible to pledge for the whole year and cancel subscription for next 11 months. However it might affect the accuracy of estimated monthly income.
I was receiving about $15 per month via PayPal, so I'm not sure it's worth keeping it. Even though some people did made generous donations, it was so rather rare.

I'd rather users see how much we're getting and Patreon does exactly that.
Restricting users to one platform will restrict earnings. I would take money anyway I could get it. I personally like paypal and it would help us in the US if the paypal page was in English if possible.
Since our long time users get accustomed to getting updates via SDI instead of going to the website, I'll be adding a banner which will be displayed whenever updates become available. Do you have any suggestions on what we should say on the banner and what color should it be?


You can help the project by recommending it to colleges, proposing its inclusion into tech toolkits, suggesting tech bloggers to review it, etc. SDI got a rather big surge of users when this thread(link) was created on Reddit. It goes to show that there's untapped potential for growing user base.
Having the application itself inform people of the new funding campaign is a great idea.

It's fair to ask people to help spread SDI around by word of mouth, but honestly you should
be spending at least an hour a day doing this yourself on every tech related media you can.

I don't know how many local repair shops there are around you, but if there are some within
driving range then you should make the trips over to show them what it can do. A lot of the hustle
in getting this program in front of more people will fall on your lap.

I've already recommend this personally and they have all liked it. That kinda thing can be a nice boost
for you, but you gotta do the leg work.
As mentioned by others earlier, I would also put the Paypal link back on your own website - with English and Russian options if possible.

If you are advertising the SDI more, you still need to account for those people that only want to donate (rather than pay regularly) and you may now get more donations than you got before.

I appreciate that it's just another job to do in your list, but it would be worth investing the time to make it as easy as possible for people to give you money. ;)
People aren't fond driver updaters in general and whenever I tried to suggest using SDI at tech related media, people would be very skeptical(especially if it was my first post). It goes better, if an established member does that.

I also tried to get one of the biggest torrent website to host my torrent(which would bring more seeders) but mods hated SDI and they either deleted it or wouldn't mark it as verified, rendering it invisible. Verified uploaders aren't interested in uploading my torrent because they want to inject nfo files with their tags but they can't do that because it would affect hashcode.

There was no reason to advertise SDI because we didn't try to sell it.

I'm not sure about bringing back the PayPal link because it would make the website clattered with many donation options.

We'll wait and see how the campaign goes.
Is there going to be an advantage to being a subscriber vs. non paying?
Paid vs. Free?
Or are we going to foot the bill for "everyone".
Not complaining, as I don't mind paying a subscription, but I know some will take advantage of "Free".
Maybe we get some type of perk for being a subscriber (don't know how that would work though).