Snappy Driver Installer

20 US Dollar equals
1328.99 Russian Ruble

What does that amount buy in Russia? Just an example or two please.
You can use this tool( to compare prices. SamLab lives in Moscow.

How about similar to ninite subscription? Cheap but monthly fee so everyone would feel ok with it, but you get paid. Say $10 a month times by 9000 users. :D
That would a hell of a lot money.

Realistically, I think we would be set for life if we get 1000 users paying $2 per month. But in order to reach that milestone, we would need to dramatically increase the size of user base and make the donation button more prominent.

SDI isn't widely known because we didn't invest resources in advertising it and featuring it on major websites. People become aware of SDI usually by word of mouth. I came here because I noticed that you(technibble users) discovered SDI. Furthermore, you can help the project by spreading the word and recommending to feature it on relevant websites.
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You can use this tool( to compare prices. SamLab lives in Moscow.

That would a hell of a lot money.

Realistically, I think we would be set for life if we get 1000 users paying $2 per month. But in order to reach that milestone, we would need to dramatically increase the size of user base and make the donation button more prominent.

SDI isn't widely known because we didn't invest resources in advertising it and featuring it on major websites. People become aware of SDI usually by word of mouth. I came here because I noticed that you(technibble users) discovered SDI. Furthermore, you can help the project by spreading the word and recommending to feature it on relevant websites.
$2 dollars a month?
Where do I sign up!
That's a no-brainer.
If someone can't afford $2 a month, they are not a tech.
1000 @ $2/month
500 @ $4/month
250 @ $8/month
125 @ $16/month
Heck, we should be able to make a dent in those numbers just here on these forums.
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If it has to be SamLab to do the drivers and manage the driver packs, then it seems the only
way is to make this subscription based and find a manageable way to have people pay.

I think something along the lines of $5-$7 per month, per user would be quite fair. You wouldn't
even need 150 active subscribers to pay that salary. Which, I take it that the rates you mention
are for a year long salary? If that's the case, then this should be very doable via a cheap monthly

But at the end of the day, you need a way to get paid that works for the bulk of your users.
$2 dollars a month?
Where do I sign up!
That's a no-brainer.
If someone can't afford $2 a month, they are not a tech.
1000 @ $2/month
500 @ $4/month
250 @ $8/month
125 @ $16/month
Heck, we should be able to make a dent in those numbers just here on these forums.

That's exactly what I was thinking.....

He'd probably get anywhere from 20-50 active subscribers just from this site, who know maybe more.

At even $5 a month, which I think is more than reasonable.... they would already be well on their way.



Who am I kidding... even $10 a month wouldn't be an outrageous charge. This software is basically streamlining one of the last processes that is usually done manually and is a major PITA. No more using other machines to find a LAN driver for the computer, then transfer via sneaker net or usb wifi adapter (that often needs a driver CD to install that thing)... then on top of that you have to go to the manufactuer website and wade through all of that crap to find the drivers you need.... most often they have way more listed than what you actually need just to cover the bases of possible hardware configurations. Then on top of that some times the hardware in the machine isn't actually what it shipped with! People swap stuff out, add in new stuff... who knows how it happens but it does.

This tool, with the ability to load up all the drivers in a few clicks of a button... is a welcome tool in any techs bag and the $10 a month is nothing. The time / frustration saved on just one job is worth that.... if your a tech doing 20, 30, 40 or more machines in a month then this is as stated a no brainer. Maybe a small discount to $7 a month for technibble users ;)

And also do not feel bad for charging. Software development and product maintenance is worth money. I'm a software engineer by trade, and the code I write is worth money. The work that myself and my team members do is worth money. You made a product that a decently large number of people could make good use out of.... there is no reason to feel bad about charging for that. Cash in on the hard work that you and SamLab have done and use the much earned contributions to go on to the next project. Maybe even spend some time to expand what SDI can do if you have any ideas. You have a skill, and you both invested time and knowledge into this... you deserve to be paid.

You have to get this software out there, get it known and advertise it on all the "computer fixing forums".

I had no idea your income expectations were so low... you should be able to knock this one out of the park
and then some.

One note of caution though:

I really do believe if you hustle to get this known out there, and get it on the radar of techs everywhere that you can achieve a fairly large user base of active subscribers. The part to be cautious about is subscriber retention. This product is a great start, but you can't count on it for ever... as you used the term "set for life", that's a bad way to think about it. A better way to think about it would be set for a the short to mid term. It's like throwing darts at the wall at this point... but if you got it out there enough I believe you could possibly retain subscribers for 1-3 years as there will be some variance. By the time your heading into year three, you need to have the next product ready to supplement income. If you could put out two or three more products that fill a gap like this one does then you can start to feel comfortable in sustaining a large enough active subscriber base to let this support you and SamLab.
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I also use this software on every reload and many repair jobs just to look for updates. It's not every day, but a several times per week on average. I will certainly be on board with whatever solution is chosen. This is a great tool that saves my company time, and makes my company more profitable. Absolutely worth it to subscribe.
If it wasn't obvious, I wasn't totally serious with the "set for life" thing.

SamLab is an owner rather large technology websites with news/reviews/discussions. Beside SamDrivers, he also has SamSoft, SamCodec Pack and some other stuff. However it's mostly in Russian, so isn't very well suited for international users.

Driverpacks grew so large and complex that SamLab hardly has the time and resources to maintain all his projects, so he had to put some of them on hold. If we get crazy funding, we could motivated more to invest more time into the project, improving our infrastructure, and hire people to do grunt work while me and SamLab would assume leadership over the design and direction. However the task at hand is to arrest downscaling.

I'm currently getting about $15 per month from donations on my website. I think many people are hesitant to donate because they might think that they need donate a large sum out the fear to come across as a cheap, and they don't know if the project is well funded and if the money is put to good use. This is why I like Patreon. It provides transparency, has stretch goals, perks for generous users and shows that even small donations matter.

I'm trying to convince SamLab that we should use Patreon to get subscribers. He recently stated he's skeptical of Patreon because Patreon doesn't support localized descriptions and international payment systems no longer work for some Russians. I assume he doesn't believe that SDI has enough international users get to enough subscribers.
This PITA that it is to find/update drivers for systems is international, much like a bullet sounds the
same in every language. Doesn't matter what part of the world your in, if computers are used for
more than online bingo then this product has a place there. I'd be willing to wager that the U.S.
alone could meet your subscriber base aspirations.

If you tackled it in the right way, and advertised correctly.... this could blow up in the short term.
At least enough to fund you to push the company/partnership/whatever it is you guys have to the
next level.

A completely universal payment system might not work so well, but who's to say you need to have
one payment system to serve everyone. If Russia is such a big problem, then why not separate them
off onto their own payment system?
I got SamLab on board with the idea of using Patreon.

In order to make a successful Patreon campaign, we need to estimate how many users we can reach and how many of them can afford to pay at least $2 per month, so that we could set our goals accordingly. We can provide our website statistics and our monetary expectations to compensate our expenses and our work.

I know that Nick from FoolishIT switched to subscription-based model some time ago for d7. While we won't be making subscription mandatory, his experience may be valuable for us. However I don't know him personally, so I hesitate to approach him out of fear to come off as demanding.

If you know him or anyone else who has experience with using subscription-based model and willing to give us some advice and guidance, you can direct them to us.

In other news
Snappy Driver Installer R444 is out. it has some improvements in driver ranking.

I'm also looking for people who can translate SDI into new languages, improve existing translations(including English) and make sure that translations are up to date and accurate.
The localization efforts are coordinated via Transifex.
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Patreon or subscription , I will be happy to pay either way.
With patreon you can set a minimum monthly amount and the patron can pay that minimum or higher as he/she chooses.
Personally I would set the minimum quite low, $1 or $2, and let the patron decide it's worth.
A "donate if you'd like too" model sort of opens up a can of worms for me.

I'm a very frugal person, and when you get right down too it I'll almost never
pay for something that I don't have too. I get the idea of supporting because
you want to do it and to push the project along but I personally think your
better off just going subscription based. If your thinking of seriously pricing it
below $5 a month then you should be able to get plenty of people on board
with that. Again, that's still "free" considering what the software can do for you.
I've signed up :D - they charge 5% and also charge VAT so the amount shown is minus those.

The message I got from them was normal, no blanks.

If there are not enough patrons we'll increase the payment as the SDI is a good tool.

(Just let us know if/when you get a yearly payment option arranged too!)
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