Snappy Driver Installer

Today was a long and difficult day.

Firstly multiple forums and social networks were flooded with fake users who registered on the same day and immediately started wasting my time by reporting bogus problems, telling that DriverPack Solution is much better and easier to use because users have to press only one button(without mentioning that they end up with adware). Thankfully forum moderators did a great job of handling the situation.

Next, they started impersonating me on social networks by creating fake account which have the same appearance as the real account and spreading false news via PMs. Even SamLab was among the people who were fooled. I had to do multiple announcements to warn users that there're imposers on the loose.
Today was a long and difficult day.

Firstly multiple forums and social networks were flooded with fake users who registered on the same day and immediately started wasting my time by reporting bogus problems, telling that DriverPack Solution is much better and easier to use because users have to press only one button(without mentioning that they end up with adware). Thankfully forum moderators did a great job of handling the situation.

Next, they started impersonating me on social networks by creating fake account which have the same appearance as the real account and spreading false news via PMs. Even SamLab was among the people who were fooled. I had to do multiple announcements to warn users that there're imposers on the loose.
wow that sucks. someone with a vendetta, wonder who....

ummm.... how do we know you're the *real* BadPointer ?? ;)
wow that sucks. someone with a vendetta, wonder who....

ummm.... how do we know you're the *real* BadPointer ?? ;)

A common solution that works for many companies is to use digital signatures for binaries, messages, and documents.

Indeed, many of the drivers that SDI itself installs are digitally signed. So you can have confidence that they are the genuine drivers. However, the SDI executable is not digitally signed. I believe it has an invalid certificate :eek:. So users can never be sure they are using the genuine SDI program, and this is a problem :oops:.
Posting hashes with the download on the official site can help build that trust without paying for a "valid" certificate. At least for those that bother to check hashes ;)
Hi, Snappy Driver Installer Lite has been reverted from version R458 back to version R457, in the official website.

However, version R458 can still be downloaded via direct link:

Should i use version 457 or 458?

The two are functionally identical. R458 removed the Patreon button and a couple of other minor things. However, in line with @BadPointer's decision to continue with Patreon, that version was withdrawn.

So, use either version.
I been having issues with crystal disk info. It won't Download says file cannot be found. Tested on 4 machines. Looks like the download link needs to be updated.
I been having issues with crystal disk info. It won't Download says file cannot be found. Tested on 4 machines. Looks like the download link needs to be updated.
Hi Cypress, if that's regarding WRT, please try again, i updated the definitions yesterday. thanks a lot for reporting anyway :)
First may I say that SDI is great! I am using it to install drivers automatically when booting from an Easy2Boot USB drive containing multiple standard MS Install ISOs and using an unattend.xml file. (I am the author of Easy2Boot).

I am using a .cmd script to run SDI and I notice that if I use the -autoclose parameter, it kills the cmd file. i.e.

echo 1
call \SDI\SDI_auto.bat -autoinstall -autoclose -showconsole
echo 2

and it never gets to echo 2 or pause?
I fixed it by using start /wait \SDI\SDI_auto.bat -autoinstall -autoclose -showconsole

If I use -autoupdate -autoinstall -autoclose then I presume it will actually install before closing?

Also can you explain about unsigned drivers. These seem to be installed. Is there a command line parameter to prevent this?

SDI by default installs unsigned drivers only if no driver is installed or the installed driver has a problem that shows up in Device Manager. Either way, SDI always prioritizes signed drivers over unsigned ones when it ranks them. SDI automatically clinks on the "proceed anyway" button.

You can prevent installing these drivers by clearing the "Not installed" option. It doesn't distinguish between signed and unsigned drivers, though.
Thanks for the reply.
Some other Qs:
1. If the system has no Enet driver installed, and I have local driverpacks for say chipset and network, will SDI first install chipset and network drivers and then download other required driverpacks via Enet if required. i.e. in that order?
2. If not, should I run SDI twice, the first time with -autoinstall and the second time with -autoinstall -autoupdate ?
3. Is there a way of telling SDI to just install chipset, then just install network, then install the rest of the drivers with -autoupdate?
4. I assume -autoupdate only downloads required driverpacks and not all driverpacks (i.e. "autodownload") or does it just check the current offline driverpacks to see if they are up to date?
5. Am I correct in assuming I can place a folder containing my special drivers (inf + other files) in any folder and they will be detected? Do I need to specify anything on the command line to make SDI 'index' them or does it 'index' all inf files every time it runs?

P.S. R468 - The options 'show driverpack names above' and 'show driverpack names on right' seem to be round the wrong way in the GUI Options radio buttons (I haven't tested -showdrpnames1/2)??? Also the drop-down Theme box is slightly overlapping with the Expert Mode checkbox - it could do with a few more pixels separation.
I found the cause of the problem about SDI causing my scripts Windows command shell to close - the problem is in your SDI_auto.bat file!
You use 'exit' in this .bat file (twice) instead of goto :eof. The SDI_auto.bat file was clearly designed to be called by another script because you can pass %1 %2 %3 variables to it, so the batch file should not use exit.
Thanks for the reply.
Some other Qs:
1. If the system has no Enet driver installed, and I have local driverpacks for say chipset and network, will SDI first install chipset and network drivers and then download other required driverpacks via Enet if required. i.e. in that order?
2. If not, should I run SDI twice, the first time with -autoinstall and the second time with -autoinstall -autoupdate ?
3. Is there a way of telling SDI to just install chipset, then just install network, then install the rest of the drivers with -autoupdate?
4. I assume -autoupdate only downloads required driverpacks and not all driverpacks (i.e. "autodownload") or does it just check the current offline driverpacks to see if they are up to date?
5. Am I correct in assuming I can place a folder containing my special drivers (inf + other files) in any folder and they will be detected? Do I need to specify anything on the command line to make SDI 'index' them or does it 'index' all inf files every time it runs?
You can start by running SDI to install drivers from local driverpacks. If you don't want SDI to download driverpacks at this point, make sure that you don't have index files with filenames that start with the '_' character.

SDI_R.exe -autoupdate -onlyupdates
It will download indexes, so that SDI would know which driverpacks it needs to download.

SDI_R.exe -autoinstall
It will download required driverpacks and install drivers.

By default SDI sorts drivers based on filename of the driverpack that contains them. If you have to install drivers in a specific order, you can move driverpacks in other folders and use -drp_dir:<path> to install them one by one or just rename driverpacks.

You can put your drivers in the drivers folder or any of it subfolders. If you have a lot of drivers, it might take a while for SDI to index them. You can use -keepunpackedindex and remove indexes
manually when you you want SDI to rebuild them.

P.S. R468 - The options 'show driverpack names above' and 'show driverpack names on right' seem to be round the wrong way in the GUI Options radio buttons (I haven't tested -showdrpnames1/2)??? Also the drop-down Theme box is slightly overlapping with the Expert Mode checkbox - it could do with a few more pixels separation.
It looks fine to me. Can you show these problems?

I found the cause of the problem about SDI causing my scripts Windows command shell to close - the problem is in your SDI_auto.bat file!
You use 'exit' in this .bat file (twice) instead of goto :eof. The SDI_auto.bat file was clearly designed to be called by another script because you can pass %1 %2 %3 variables to it, so the batch file should not use exit.
It will be fixed.
Attached is a screenshot of the SDI app on an 800x600 EeePC under Win10 x86.
The problem I mentioned about 'above' or 'right' was a misunderstanding, sorry. I did not spot that the driverpack name was actually above the boxes (I was expecting it to be inside each box).


  • sdi800x600.jpg
    158.9 KB · Views: 18
Here is revised SDI_Auto.bat portion with start /wait and goto :EOF

for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir /b /od "%~dp0SDI_%xOS%*.exe"') do set "SDIEXE=%%a"
if exist "%~dp0%SDIEXE%" (
start /wait "Snappy Driver Installer" /d"%~dp0" "%~dp0%SDIEXE%" %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
goto :EOF
) else (
echo Not found 'Snappy Driver Installer'!
timeout 6
goto :EOF
Snappy Driver Installer is decent, it lacks maturity compared to DriverPack Solution. Snappy Driver is slower installing drivers, hangs a lot(like Display, USB 3.0,etc.) and many time errors occur(Chipset, Card Reader, etc.). When I was first introduced to DriverPack Solution I wasn't all that satisfied because it will install junk software automatically, the software was bloated and poorly translated from Russian. Now I would recommend DriverPack Solution because the software has a very elegant interface(UI), quicker installation of drivers and less failure because of code maturity. Just my opinion(July 19, 2016) but always loved your work SDI Devs.
Snappy Driver Installer is decent, it lacks maturity compared to DriverPack Solution. Snappy Driver is slower installing drivers, hangs a lot(like Display, USB 3.0,etc.) and many time errors occur(Chipset, Card Reader, etc.). When I was first introduced to DriverPack Solution I wasn't all that satisfied because it will install junk software automatically, the software was bloated and poorly translated from Russian. Now I would recommend DriverPack Solution because the software has a very elegant interface(UI), quicker installation of drivers and less failure because of code maturity. Just my opinion(July 19, 2016) but always loved your work SDI Devs.
Is it possible to run DriverPack Solution from the command line and is it portable (does not install)? I cannot find any documentation???