Snappy Driver Installer

It should be treated as 1-5 stars. I didn't expect that there would be a confusion but I guess I should've clarified that.
Ok, I did the survey but frankly, I don't care about themes. As long as I can read it I don't usually change it from default. What is going to be of more interest to this crowd is probably custom branding. Putting our colors and logos on it so that clients don't see SDI they see our logo as they look over our shoulders. That is also a way you can monetize this. The free one only gets a crappy theme. Paid versions get branding and multiple themes.
SDI looks like it's from the 1990's. I want a MODERN theme. All those backgrounds are incredibly distracting. Look at DriverPackSolution. They have a really nice looking theme. They have a crappy product, but it looks nice. You have a nice product, but it looks like crap. Frankly I'd rather have it look like crap and be a decent product, but I don't see why it can't be both. If you can't do it, hit someone up on Fiverr. I'm terrible at design myself, but Fiverr is a great way to get great designs for cheap.
From what I am reading up on it, this is a fork of Driverpack solutions. As I have never fully trusted DPS I am curious if this tries to download unwanted software and mess with the OEM information as DPS does.
This is my main concern as well. You could be getting code you don't want/need.
I didn't like the concept of SDI, and posted a negative, albeit misguided, comment some time back.

I was wrong. SDI is pretty sweet and has fixed a few issues that would have taken much longer to correct.

Don't care about themes.

Don't care about look.

The current interface is just perfect.

In fact, the more DOS'y or not-finished the UI, the better. Customers automatically turn away from anything that looks too technical... so keep it the same, says I.

You want to monetize... understandable.

Follow the great model of FABS (a really low cost to entry + no worries about # of techs on the thumb drive) and I am willing to pay.
This is my main concern as well. You could be getting code you don't want/need.
That comment is nearly two years old. I don't think @nlinecomputers thinks that now. For what it's worth, I've spent quite a bit of time over the last few weeks in the code and I haven't found anything untoward. It's available for public scrutiny on SourceForge.
Ok, I did the survey but frankly, I don't care about themes. As long as I can read it I don't usually change it from default. What is going to be of more interest to this crowd is probably custom branding. Putting our colors and logos on it so that clients don't see SDI they see our logo as they look over our shoulders. That is also a way you can monetize this. The free one only gets a crappy theme. Paid versions get branding and multiple themes.
That would be a great idea if we had our own artists but that's not the case. However, users can easily customize existing themes by replacing the logo(images must be converted into webp format), background and changing colors to match their brand.

SDI looks like it's from the 1990's. I want a MODERN theme. All those backgrounds are incredibly distracting. Look at DriverPackSolution. They have a really nice looking theme. They have a crappy product, but it looks nice. You have a nice product, but it looks like crap. Frankly I'd rather have it look like crap and be a decent product, but I don't see why it can't be both. If you can't do it, hit someone up on Fiverr. I'm terrible at design myself, but Fiverr is a great way to get great designs for cheap.
I might try that. I'm considering putting an order for making a mockup, and if I'm happy with it, I can order creating assets and sending me source files.

What's the best way to go about it? What information should I provide in the order? How many artists should I let have a go at creating a mockup?
What's the best way to go about it? What information should I provide in the order? How many artists should I let have a go at creating a mockup?

Just send them a full sized screenshot and ask for a sliced PSD file as the final product (so it can be made into individual images and inserted into the program itself). But I think a cheap mockup is a great idea. Check out reviews and their past work. Find someone who does a lot of modern looking designs. Make sure they know what fonts you're able to use in the actual program so they don't design it around some font that looks really good but can't be used in the actual program.

I think you should choose one or two gigs and go from there. Frankly your project will be a piece of cake for them. You're not asking them to create a logo or a banner or anything complicated. All they have to do is pick different shades and colors that go together and give them a modern flare.

I just had my logo updated by someone on Fiverr. My logo is about 15 years old and was looking pretty dated. I kept the same font and all, but now it's got a modern chrome look and looks like it belongs in the 21st century. Cost me $5. Well worth it.
That comment is nearly two years old. I don't think @nlinecomputers thinks that now. For what it's worth, I've spent quite a bit of time over the last few weeks in the code and I haven't found anything untoward. It's available for public scrutiny on SourceForge.

You would be correct. At the time I had written that I had only read about not downloaded it and I expressed my concerns based on the fact that it is a fork of source code that DID contain all of that malwareish crap. SDI exists because its main programmer got fed up with the sleazy tactics of his partners.
Often I use SDI on systems that have not had any drivers installed yet. Only drivers that ship with Windows. So I may only have the Windows Standard Video driver installed. So we are talking 16-bit color. So themes just make the program hard to use. I end up setting mine on lite because of that.
SDI looks like it's from the 1990's. I want a MODERN theme. All those backgrounds are incredibly distracting. Look at DriverPackSolution. They have a really nice looking theme. They have a crappy product, but it looks nice. You have a nice product, but it looks like crap. Frankly I'd rather have it look like crap and be a decent product, but I don't see why it can't be both. If you can't do it, hit someone up on Fiverr. I'm terrible at design myself, but Fiverr is a great way to get great designs for cheap.
As a regular user of SDI, I personally take offense at this statement. His software works great. You start it, set your options and walk away.

I say leave it alone. It works great the way it is and as far as I'm concerned it looks good TOO!
As a regular user of SDI, I personally take offense at this statement. His software works great. You start it, set your options and walk away.

I say leave it alone. It works great the way it is and as far as I'm concerned it looks good TOO!

I totally agree - we have used it for several years and has been pretty much flawless - we rank it up there with UVK, FABS and Windows Repair Toolkit.
SDI is designed to be used as a drop-in replacement of DPInst.exe by renaming SDI to DPInst.exe and supporting the -PATH <dir> switch. You should use -drp_dir:<dir> instead.

I am using SDI as a replacement for DPINST. With DPINST I had an XML that searchs all sub directories for drivers using
<search><subDirectory>*</subDirectory> (I download Dell Enterprise Cabs which have every possible driver for that model). I use SDI silently with the -path to the drivers and it works greats. I can see from the log it constantly trying to "thread_download(failed to download torrent)". Is there a flag to stop SDI from trying to download anything and just use the drivers in the path? Love SDI by the way, tons better than DPINST.
I am using SDI as a replacement for DPINST. With DPINST I had an XML that searchs all sub directories for drivers using
<search><subDirectory>*</subDirectory> (I download Dell Enterprise Cabs which have every possible driver for that model). I use SDI silently with the -path to the drivers and it works greats. I can see from the log it constantly trying to "thread_download(failed to download torrent)". Is there a flag to stop SDI from trying to download anything and just use the drivers in the path? Love SDI by the way, tons better than DPINST.
Make sure that you're not passing the -checkupdates switch. Check the sdi.cfg file.

The log should have these lines:
}thread_download(never started)
Isn't there anything that can be done with the driver detection methods? There are some laptops in our organization that behave weird if we install all drivers from SDI. For instance, if we install MassStorage on those laptops, the HDD usage levels raise up to 100% all the time, even though there is no process using the HDD. I tripple checked this.

And some of them disables the standard keyboard driver if we install TouchPad drivers.