Humor Section!

As for the hard drive fellow, be sure to tell him that a full format might error out being it does a surface scan... That a quick format works much faster and can even be used on a new drive.

^^^ All of this is of course true though probably not the best approach for data recovery, 😂
Who needs Sat-Nav when you can have Cass-Nav! 😂

"and if I ever need to use a different route, then I just use a different cassette!" LOL - well can't blame them for have a bad idea, just a bit early in the ol' timeline.

Plus, cars of that era used cable-driven speedometers (or my new favorite word of the day, mileometer!), can't connect to more than one thing.
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I can't understand who would have approved this installation location. Those of you who don't recognize this it's a pool pump house where chemicals, the yellow oxidizer hazmat label, are added to keep the pool clean. Simultaneously corroding anything that's corrodible.

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