Humor Section!

@ThatPlace928 @Metanis @britechguy

My wife kicks me out the kitchen and expects me to clean and like other stated leaves a pile of dishes and utensils while I tend to clean as I go and leave very little and tend to clean up what I left and place it neatly into the sink or dishwasher. I find she has just thrown things in the sink and some which I repeatedly say don't belong in there ie our wood handled kitchen knives because wood & water are not a good mix.
@ThatPlace928 @Metanis @britechguy

My wife kicks me out the kitchen and expects me to clean and like other stated leaves a pile of dishes and utensils while I tend to clean as I go and leave very little and tend to clean up what I left and place it neatly into the sink or dishwasher. I find she has just thrown things in the sink and some which I repeatedly say don't belong in there ie our wood handled kitchen knives because wood & water are not a good mix.
I know too many people who do this. I can't cook in a messy kitchen, not even as a teenager. And ALL my wood handled knives are cleaned by hand so they don't bloat from sitting in water. My dad was a chef and he gave me some really good knives before he passed away. They are wonderful to use and are still pristine to this day.
If it can't go in a dishwasher, it doesn't belong in my kitchen. That applies to all my knives, wood-handled and otherwise.
I am a bit of a knife collector and generally speaking the chemicals and temps of a dishwasher are harsh for edge retention so I don't recommend any kitchen knives be placed in a dishwasher but if you do get ones w/o wooden handles. If you have wood handles on knives put through a dishwasher expect them to split, crack, warp, or any combination of the three. I also wouldn't invest too much in my knives if I were to do that I already pulled back the budget for the kitchen ones since my wife does the majority of it plus its hard to spend what the knifes I want cost. To me a $60 Chef's knife is in the bottom tier of good knives most below that are throw away knives with limited exceptions.