Humor Section!

Legoland? No. It's a housing complex in San Buenaventura, Mexico.

F that. I couldn't stand living there. If you fart, the neighbor smells it in their living room. I don't get wanting to leave 5 feet from someone else. I'd much rather live in the middle of nowhere where there is nobody in your business and nobody worrying about if you are following there rules or not. I've lived in places where you weren't allowed to leave a vehicle parked in front of your own house without moving it for more than 48 hours. Who gives a s***. Let people do their own thing. Yet if you try to give a stolen computer to a cop and tell them who it belongs to and how you got it from a client and give them the name and address of the company it belongs to they can't do anything about it because they can't find the police report. Fine, morons, I'll take it to the owner, who, by the way has a copy of the d*** police report.

Whoa, quite an off topic rant there, but we can't we just get back to people doing their own thing not hurting anybody instead of making up rules on how people should live or park or sled down a hill, just because you want to live a sheltered life? P*** Off to those that want to ruin everyday simple things.
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F that. I couldn't stand living there. If you fart, the neighbor smells it in their living room. I don't get wanting to leave 5 feet from someone else. I'd much rather live in the middle of nowhere where there is nobody in your business and nobody worrying about if you are following there rules or not. I've lived in places where you weren't allowed to leave a vehicle parked in front of your own house without moving it for more than 48 hours. Who gives a s***. Let people do their own thing. Yet if you try to give a stolen computer to a cop and tell them who it belongs to and how you got it from a client and give them the name and address of the company it belongs to they can't do anything about it because they can't find the police report. Fine, morons, I'll take it to the owner, who, by the way has a copy of the d*** police report.

Whoa, quite an off topic rant there, but we can't we just get back to people doing their own thing not hurting anybody instead of making up rules on how people should live or park or sled down a hill, just because you want to live a sheltered life? P*** Off to those that want to ruin everyday simple things.
Reminds me of that old song from the 60's... "Little boxes on the hillside, little boxes made of ticktacky.....and they all look just the same......"
WOW - how about those single speed CD burners back in the day? 15 minutes to make a bird scarer! Saw an ad today for a 512GB microSD and they give you a 64 gig free !
WOW - how about those single speed CD burners back in the day? 15 minutes to make a bird scarer! Saw an ad today for a 512GB microSD and they give you a 64 gig free !
New Zealand dollars my first single speed external cd writer SCSI $600.00 interface SCSI card to put in PC $600.00 CDR Single speed Write once Dealer price each $15.00 and you had to turn off absolutely EVERYTHING that was not needed to write or as you say a bird scarer this was about 1990
New Zealand dollars my first single speed external cd writer SCSI $600.00 interface SCSI card to put in PC $600.00 CDR Single speed Write once Dealer price each $15.00 and you had to turn off absolutely EVERYTHING that was not needed to write or as you say a bird scarer this was about 1990
That would have had to have been around 1997-1998?
In 1990 single speed Cd Burners were around $10,000 and CD-r were about $50 each.
I bought one of the first Philips 1 x CD Burners in our town. It was almost $700!
That was in July 1997.
Bought my first 1 x Panasonic DVD Burner in May 2000 for $1499! DVD-R discs were about $15? RW disks were about $25?

By comparison the last DVD Burner I bought (2010) was 40x and cost $16! A pack of 50 disks was $10