Humor Section!

Yea um awks..bye..closes laptop lid.
So I had a call several weeks ago on a Sunday to go swap out an emergency communicator at someone's house. Apple Maps literally mapped me going through every single parking lot that had an entrance adjacent to the road of travel. Coming and going. Wondering if maybe they have some kind of undocumented Sunday driver feature.

A Christian guy named Bill saw an ad online
for a "Christian" horse, so, intrigued he went to check it out.
The horse’s owner said, “It’s easy to ride him. Just say ‘Praise the Lord!’ to make him
go and ‘Amen!’ to make him stop.”
Bill got on the horse and said, “Praise the Lord!” Sure enough, the
horse started to walk. “Praise the Lord!” he said again, and the horse
began to trot. “Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!” he yelled, and the
horse broke into a gallop.
Bill was enjoying his ride so much that he almost didn’t notice the
cliff he and the horse were about to go over. Bill shouted “AMEN!” at
the top of his lungs, and the horse stopped right at the edge of the
cliff. Relieved, Bill said, “Phew! Praise the Lord!”
Now that I'm old and slow and on a fixed income, I've disconnected my home alarm system. I also decided to turn off my external security lights and resigned from Neighbourhood Watch.
To save money, I've raised 2 Pakistani flags in my front garden, one at each corner and have the black flag of ISIS in the centre. It’s so good now, my neighbours, the Local Police, the Federal Police and the Armed Forces are all keeping watch on my house 24/7. There are always several "black" vehicles parked in my street and a drone flys over my house several times a day. In addition, I am followed & watched everywhere I go.
I've never felt safer, and I'm saving $349.50 a month!