Non-computer Corona virus thread

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The actual subject of the article put it best, and beautifully:
Deonandan anticipates a "vanishingly small number" of vaccinated people may also eventually die from COVID-19.

"This is all about probability, not certainties," he said.

"What we have done a poor job of explaining is vaccines are not bulletproof vests." They're merely a mitigation tool.

No vaccine in history has been 100% effective for 100% of the people who have received them. They're still one of the most miraculous of medical discoveries of the ages and have prevented untold suffering, death, and lifetimes compromised by the after effects of having survived certain infections.
My second vaccination (Moderna) was yesterday. Woke up last night shaking so bad with chills I couldn't get the Tylenol out of the bottle and into my mouth. Doing better today but just going to chill (pun intended) around the house today.
I think Trudeau is insane opening the Canada boarder to US which have been doing a poor job controlling spread most children hospitals are above capacity as well as the regular hospitals.
The number of covid deaths have been skyrocketing with children at some schools infection rate is 1 in 3.

Here is a map comparison.

The number of covid deaths have been skyrocketing

Really? Where are you seeing that? It's not showing up in the data. Yesterday's 7-day moving average deaths in Canada is 10, up from 7 2-3 weeks ago, and down from 12 on Aug.9. Are you still just listening to the media scare tactics and not checking them against the actual numbers? This virus is doing what virii usually do -- mutating to become far less deadly. Yes, cases are up, but it's deaths that matter, not cases.
Last edited: (Deaths in the USA up 75% over 14 days - not exponential, but significant) (Deaths in Canada far, far, far lower, and increase much smaller. I would not, however, be inviting US citizens to come rushing in to Canada at this point. To quote Dana Carvey playing George H. W. Bush: "Not prudent." Cases have, however, soared by 169%, nothing to sniff at, and a very good reason for concern, significant concern.)

And if you don't trust the New York Times then there is really nothing to discuss.
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And if you don't trust the New York Times then there is really nothing to discuss.

🤣 ...oh wait, I think you might be serious.

The completely trustworthy NYT neglected to mention that the low point where that 75% increase started was an all-time low since late March of last year, by a wide margin. Even with the 75% increase, it's still significantly lower than at any point from then until last June. So, while that bastion of truth didn't actually outright lie, they certainly spun the partial truth to give a false impression. The uptick is a very shallow curve, hardly a "skyrocket", and of course it's too early to say, but looks like it might have leveled out.

Meanwhile, the 7-day moving average daily deaths in my state has skyrocketed all the way up to 3.

As always, a little dose of real data is a vaccine (see what I did there?) against a whole lot of baseless fear. A really good place for those who want the real numbers in a nice concise format is:

Sadly, that story comes as no surprise at all. Here in the Shenandoah Valley we have parent protestors (and a few students) at many schools who are railing against mask mandates.

Arnold Schwartzenegger's recent comments about the anti-mask and anti-vax crowds says everything that needs to be said. The sooner it is made clear, in no uncertain terms, that your right to not get the vaccine and not wear a mask is trumped, and absolutely, by the rights of others to avoid Covid infection, the better. Vaccine mandates are really starting to gain traction, and once any of them gets official non-emergency FDA approval I expect a tidal wave of vaccine mandates. I wasn't allowed to be enrolled in school as a child without having a list of specific vaccines before doing so. That was an entirely reasonable policy then, and remains so now.
Official approval of the Pfizer vaccine could be as soon as next month, I'd say the end of the year at the latest. That's going to happen soon.

We should also see the 5-12 year olds open availability sometime in the next 60 days, as we're closing out on 6 months worth of trial data on that age group. The even younger kids soon to follow.

Universal vaccine policy should be possible by Christmas.

All three school nurse's offices and administration offices my children attend have huge vaccinate, it's the law posters up.

So yes, this is going to happen. Vaccine mandates are going to happen. The government might drag its feet, but even if it does the insurance companies are pushing HARD. The market has already spoken on this topic, anyone without their shot is going to find it very uncomfortable very soon. As well they should, COVID represents the largest economic threat our nation has faced since the Cold War.

So the money says... get your shot.
Morality says... get your shot.
Ethics says... get your shot.

The only thing that doesn't say get your shot, is a small annoyed voice in the corner that increasingly sounds like random Autistic screeching, and means just about as much.
🤣 ...oh wait, I think you might be serious.

The completely trustworthy NYT neglected to mention that the low point where that 75% increase started was an all-time low since late March of last year, by a wide margin. Even with the 75% increase, it's still significantly lower than at any point from then until last June. So, while that bastion of truth didn't actually outright lie, they certainly spun the partial truth to give a false impression. The uptick is a very shallow curve, hardly a "skyrocket", and of course it's too early to say, but looks like it might have leveled out.

Meanwhile, the 7-day moving average daily deaths in my state has skyrocketed all the way up to 3.

As always, a little dose of real data is a vaccine (see what I did there?) against a whole lot of baseless fear. A really good place for those who want the real numbers in a nice concise format is:

It isn't as large because this spike is almost universally hitting the NON-VACCINATED. Had the anti-vaxxers taken their shots back 6 months ago with those of us that did so at the first opportunity we would be a herd immunity now. Right now my hospital is full and is desperately trying to move patients to other hospitals in other towns. So yes nationwide we are not at the apocalyptic levels of last January but hospitalizations are way up.

From the very site you quoted:


We are not projected to hit the Jan 2021 levels but we are very high up that curve.
Also note the daily case counts in the USA.

New cases every day is about half of what it was in Jan2021 but it is still an alarming ~140,000 level. The only good news is that deaths this time around are way down. It is going up but not spiking like it did last time. That is mostly because we have better treatment regimens and also the possibility that Delta while easier to spread doesn't seem to be as deadly.

Even with all that hospitalizations are up and that is chewing up large swaths of resources. If you have non-Covid medical problems you get to wait. And if you catch COVID and survive, good for you, until you get the bill.

Thanks, very much. But we all know a word to the wise is sufficient, and that the selective filters of some simply cannot be broken no matter how much factual data, with excellent interpretation, is offered.

More's the pity.

I was tickled to see that the Austin, Dallas, and it was either San Antonio or Houston school districts were openly defying Gov. Abbots's insane and inane executive order forbidding mask mandates. And even more tickled when the courts vindicated them.

Thanks, very much. But we all know a word to the wise is sufficient, and that the selective filters of some simply cannot be broken no matter how much factual data, with excellent interpretation, is offered.

More's the pity.

I was tickled to see that the Austin, Dallas, and it was either San Antonio or Houston school districts were openly defying Gov. Abbots's insane and inane executive order forbidding mask mandates. And even more tickled when the courts vindicated them.
Which goes all the way back to the local issue. If you are in a town that has a low vaccination rate for you locally then the situation is just as bad as it was in Jan. Like I said my hospital is full. If I accidentally saw my arm off I am not going to get the same level of care as I could have had just two months ago.
If I accidentally saw my arm off I am not going to get the same level of care as I could have had just two months ago.

There is a theory in the world of neurological rehabilitation referred to as "demands and capacities." An entire system can either be in some sort of stasis, hopefully typical, when those two things have reached a balance. But any time either capacities significantly decrease, demands significantly increase, or both of those things happen simultaneously then, invariably, things "go south" very, very quickly.

It's pretty much universally true, regardless of arena. What's happening now in terms of demand straining fixed capacity is as bad, or worse, than previous "peak Covid" in many areas of the country, and most clearly pronounced in the South. And it's a direct result of the huge numbers who refused to be vaccinated in that area.

I really have lost all sense of sympathy or empathy with those now hospitalized who refused to be vaccinated. I don't wish illness on anyone, but the writing has been on the wall for way longer than it should take for anyone to read it on many occasions. Illness that's befalling virtually any adult, with the rarest of exceptions, in the USA these days is a direct result of inaction or refusal on their parts. Even cutting a break for those for whom it would have been very difficult to impossible to get the vaccine, but who desperately wanted to, what we're seeing now is the direct result of refusal by those who had convenient options to get the vaccine at no cost. Choices have consequences. And I know, for myself, my feelings on this will only be hardening with time.

If people will not do the right thing, getting vaccinated, for moral, ethical, and self-preservation reasons then they should be mandated to do so to protect all of the rest of us. Casting this in terms of individual freedom is pure lunacy and without even a shred of validity. We have a safe and effective way to put an end to this pandemic, and I have no compunction about saying if you don't choose to use it that choice should be made for you.
Phoenix area hospitals are now double staffing... They're over 100% capacity and climbing.

This information directly from a local nurse that manages the emergency department at one of the Phoenix Area's largest hospitals. I don't need the news to tell me what's going on, I just go ask her.
As the delta variant sweeps through the children and learns and mutates into a newer variant that kills children just as easy as seniors senators are trying to block mask mandates these guys are idots they are prob thinking if everyone gets infected this pandemic will be over more quickly lol.
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