So much "Citation Needed" in this thread.
The mRNA vaccines have horrendously expensive storage and transport requirements because the vaccine is so simple. It literally contains only two components. A lipid (fat), and a hormone (mRNA strand / protein). There aren't even preservatives in there!
Once injected the fat is absorbed by your cells, and the hormone processed. It instructs your cells to cast off protein garbage your immune system goes to clean up. This is a process our bodies do all the time on their own. We've just co-opted that process to give our immune system a leg up on a specific pathogen. The nature of this process precludes any long term effects. In fact, it's such a short term impact we've never had a vaccine use it before because it was assumed the effect on the immune response would be equally short lived.
Anyone that claims there are long term effects with mRNA technology simply does not understand what the technology is, or how it works. Furthermore their constant drum beat of "wait and see" reeks of the same stupidity associated with demanding evidence that God exists or Santa... if you prefer, it's the same thought experiment. There will be no long term effects, and you cannot prove a negative. So they'll continue whining about it forever and more.
That's stupid, and stupid in a specific way that indicates you're not qualified to do the jobs those of us on these forums are supposed to be doing. It's base fear of the unknown, wrapped up in a special ignorance that's career ending for anyone here. Stop it... please. You're hurting yourself, and while you're at it holding a gun to three members of this household's heads. Not to mention countless others. It's our responsibility as citizens of our respective nations to protect our neighbors from threats foreign and domestic. So there's a civic responsibility angle here too. We've reached a point where financially, morally, ethically, and professionally... there's only one decision that makes sense. Which is bonkers because those competing drives almost always argue with each other.
But if you want the attenuated virus vaccine, you're never going to get it because it's not effective in this sort of thing. The closest you will get is the J&J shot. Which has a horde of problems associated with it, because it like the AstraZeneca uses older more failure prone technology. But even those shots are statistically safe. But they are substantially less safe than the mRNA shots. That is, unless you have an anaphylactic reaction to the lipid suspension. And there are allergy tests you can have done to check that safely. Ask your doctor.
Bonus points for providing the irony, anti-vaxers usually hate the MMR shot the most. And it's an attenuated virus based shot. Which is of course safe, but asking for that when you have a more modern option is like pining for Windows XP when we all should be planning for Windows 11. Neither product is perfect, but the latter is an objective improvement over the former.