90% mild to no symptoms.
30% of patients reporting a symptom that lasts 2-6 months.
Most commonly reported long term symptoms: fatigue (13.6%), loss of smell or taste (13.6%), brain fog (2.3%). (13.6%) Assorted other complains generally associated with flu like infections... headache, muscle ache, etc.
2% overall death rate.
Most common comorbidity hypertension. (If you have blood pressure issues, don't get COVID!)
6% of patents are asymptomatic.
Spread method: airborne
95% of patients are asymptomatic.
4% have minor symptoms (fever, muscle weakness, headache, nausea)
1% of infected persons develop severe muscle pain and stiffness in the neck / back.
<1% result in paralysis.
Spread method: fecal -> oral contact, and possibly mouth to mouth contact.
COVID by any objective measure is far more terrifying than Polio is. You can control Polio by just washing your hands when you're done at the toilet... You know, like someone that isn't utterly disgusting.
To stop COVID we have to denaturate all the air we exhale... and it has proportionately infected far more people. US citizens lined up for days to have the vaccine delivered via jet gun... You know the air compressor gun that the tire guy uses to pull off your tires? yeah... pretty much THAT blasting a hole into your arm. A hole that would scar and leave behind a mark still seen today on many recipients. The original vaccine was a liquid that went into use in 1950, which the US adopting a different one arriving in 1955. So the vaccine that the people of the US lined up for blocks to get, to be delivered via means barbaric by modern standards, was only 5 years old...
Meanwhile, the PFizer vaccine was developed to fight the original SARS epidemic in 2002, it was modified to fight SARS-COV-2 at the start of the current pandemic. So it's been in development for almost TWENTY YEARS. But anti-VAX idiots will claim "it's untested". Others that are only what I can describe as intentionally ignorant at this point, want to "just wait a bit more". Why? This vaccine is old enough to drink in some states!