Would you take a Coronavirus Vaccine

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Oh boy... I wish it were that simple. I, personally, will not be getting the vaccine. It's been under control for some time, and I would argue that it's been under control from the beginning. Politicians won't let it die. Even with inoculations, they aren't going to give up their control that easily. It's just a bad form of the flu. High survival rate. It's not worth subjecting my body to an unapproved vaccine for something I would live through anyway. IMHO.
You're an idiot. The flu doesn't cause permanent lung damage. It doesn't go into a nursing home and kill 1 in 5 people in a month. I know 8 people that have died from it.
You will note the advertised locations of those in this thread that state they won't get the shots.

The CDC is well aware there are several states in the US where this program will be an uphill battle. These are the very same states that force us to have Common Core education requirements, because they'd rather be teaching religion instead of science in a science classroom.

The stupid goes deep... real deep.

What you call "Common Core" has no resemblance, in terms of religious tilt, as what I've seen in my neck of the woods under that title. It's those who want to inject religion back in to the schools here who've fought it here tooth and nail. They don't want objective standards of any sort, least of all any created by, "those out-of-touch elites in Washington," having any effect on local school boards.

But, I'm in 100% agreement with everything else you've said, particularly your closing observation.
@britechguy That's my point! We have these over arching Federal standards in education because specific locals refuse to be sane about actual education. And they're the very same places that tend to be anti-vaccine. Arizona isn't much better, so I'm living in it too.

Sorry, I don't know how I had interpreted, "These are the very same states that force us to have Common Core . . .," in precisely the opposite way that you meant it, but I did, and I read it more than once.

However, on re-reading after your last response to me, I will openly admit that I was 100% in error and cannot explain the "brain fart" that caused said error.

My apologies.

I went back and reread what I wrote a few times trying to figure that out too... I'm running on basically no sleep for the last week due to a ton of reasons. So I'm getting rather loopy and figured I did something dumb again. The dumb is getting deep right at this particular keyboard.

So no worries!
Oh boy... I wish it were that simple. I, personally, will not be getting the vaccine. It's been under control for some time, and I would argue that it's been under control from the beginning. Politicians won't let it die. Even with inoculations, they aren't going to give up their control that easily. It's just a bad form of the flu. High survival rate. It's not worth subjecting my body to an unapproved vaccine for something I would live through anyway. IMHO.

And every credible infectious disease expert, scientific and medical journal, and one's own eyes at having watched what's going on around the world says precisely the opposite of this inanity.

Stupid is as stupid does and stupid says. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It can't be blamed on ignorance, as accurate information abounds.
543,000 Americans would disagree except that they've died from Covid.
I question that number, as well. And I'm not saying that the virus isn't real. I keep seeing info about a number of deaths that were listed as covid when it really had nothing to do with covid. Just today, a Dr. in Chicago is calling for an audit after he discovered a number of deaths marked as covid when the people who died had covid months ago. One was a drug overdose. Just because you had it at some point in your life, it doesn't mean you died from it. So, that number is inflated. And then factor in the substantially fewer flu deaths this year, that number because a lot less than that.
And every credible infectious disease expert, scientific and medical journal, and one's own eyes at having watched what's going on around the world says precisely the opposite of this inanity.

Stupid is as stupid does and stupid says. Stupid, stupid, stupid. It can't be blamed on ignorance, as accurate information abounds.
Ugh. I never should have said anything. The "credible" experts are out there fully vaccinated and still wearing a mask. 2 masks even. And they are also the ones who will touch the front of their mask with their bare hands. Their credibility goes out the window when they do that. This pandemic is a business. The actual credible experts are shouted down back into non-existence. Like I am now going to do because of responses like yours. If you want the vaccine for this plandemic, please feel free. If you want to know why I'm not getting it, I'm happy to share. But I'm not stupid, and I'm not ignorant. I am fully aware of what is going on.
Ugh. I never should have said anything. The "credible" experts are out there fully vaccinated and still wearing a mask. 2 masks even. And they are also the ones who will touch the front of their mask with their bare hands. Their credibility goes out the window when they do that. This pandemic is a business. The actual credible experts are shouted down back into non-existence. Like I am now going to do because of responses like yours. If you want the vaccine for this plandemic, please feel free. If you want to know why I'm not getting it, I'm happy to share. But I'm not stupid, and I'm not ignorant. I am fully aware of what is going on.
First of all. Even if you are vaccinated it doesn't mean you can't spread the disease. You can be infected, even still get sick, the vaccine will probably make you asymptomatic and probably make you unlikely to spread the disease at all. But it is not a certainty. This is why people who have been vaccinated still need to mask up so that they don't unknowingly spread infection or still get infected and get sick. Vaccines are not perfect so mask-wearing is erring on the side of caution. IOW being a decent human being and not a selfish jerk. Also, health care leaders are setting an example, unlike TRUMP who refused to do so and got infected, by wearing masks. It's called leadership.

Second yes people touch their masks and your right they shouldn't. People are human they make mistakes but even so the wearing of a mask even with the occasional slip up is still providing better protection than NONE AT ALL. I know a couple who got infected while voting last year. They both wear masks and all the voting officials wore their masks. Stuff happens. Yet statistics show that where mask use has been aggressively enforced spread of the disease has been drastically reduced. We are looking at you New Zealand and applauding.

Third. If you really have credible evidence then post your links. I really doubt you do. You have something that confirms your BIAS but cannot pass scientific scrutiny. You don't because you have previously been shot down and can't come up with a defense and so you walk away. Met your type plenty of times in the town I live in. Happy to eat crow if you can deliver the goods. BRING IT ON.

What you call "Common Core" has no resemblance, in terms of religious tilt, as what I've seen in my neck of the woods under that title. It's those who want to inject religion back in to the schools here who've fought it here tooth and nail. They don't want objective standards of any sort, least of all any created by, "those out-of-touch elites in Washington," having any effect on local school boards.

But, I'm in 100% agreement with everything else you've said, particularly your closing observation.
I definitely do NOT want to turn this tread into a debate about schools, religion and science. But......from my perspective (and yes I am a Christian but not a Bible thumping one) I feel that if we would have not drifted away from the standards we had in place 50-75 years ago we wouldn't be in the mess we are in right now. Particularly true about the current situations concerning the rampant shooting marring our country. Maybe if we went back to a few prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance we wouldn't be having people with no respect for life doing all this crap. I know there are a lot of mitigating circumstances around each one but it still boils down to a lose of value for a human life.
@River Valley Computer Freedom of Religion means no government endorsement of it. The old days you refer to were unConstitutional, and always were.

Also, boiling down very complex socioeconomic issues to "we should pray more" isn't productive. I say this as a religious person myself. If I want the right to pick my faith, I must defend the right of others to pick theirs too. That means no government sponsored religion. Now, we have moments of silence and other generic things still in play. And we still have people shooting the place up and generally not respecting life. Because yes we do have culture rot happening, it's quite real. Solving it, is another matter entirely.

That's Constitution 101 stuff, that's "conservative". Which is insane because the "liberals" are better at this than the supposed "conservatives" near the levers of power today.

But back on topic of the thread, my wife and I are scheduled for the first round of Pfizer shots next Tuesday.
my wife and I are scheduled for the first round of Pfizer shots next Tuesday.

Woo Hoo!! Congrats!

I know that while I'm under no illusion that I'm invincible since being inocculated, I do feel far safer and certain that while I will die, the one thing that won't be killing me is Covid-19 in any of its currently known variants.
Woo Hoo!! Congrats!

I know that while I'm under no illusion that I'm invincible since being inocculated, I do feel far safer and certain that while I will die, the one thing that won't be killing me is Covid-19 in any of its currently known variants.

I'll settle for my wife and I not being deathly ill / hospitalized while my now TWO diabetic sons go without care.

I don't fancy waking up from a coma to find two of my sons dead / in critical condition in a PICU somewhere because I couldn't help them count carbs for two weeks.

The downside of being good at disaster planning means I tend to focus on the dark side, the shot will help me not do so.
That's yet another huge plus. And in your case, it's not just a huge plus, but a necessary state of being due to your obligations to your children.
Yeah, it means I can get selling again. I've watched my competition grow like mad through this pandemic and I couldn't get in on that because I can't get out there.

Once I'm vaccinated sure I'm masked up, but I need not fear social gatherings anymore. The virus will most likely bounce off my kids, as long as my wife and I can stay on our feet enough to manage it. So this shot is very much a thing that will get me back out there, which is good because my savings are drying up.
Maybe if we went back to a few prayers and the Pledge of Allegiance we wouldn't be having people with no respect for life doing all this crap.
Maybe if this were a secular country we wouldn't have to deal with religious persecution and mass shootings and the KKK. Many of the mass shootings have been by Christian fundamentalists (Or "the religious") and many of them tie into their religion (abortion, etc) which is often Christianity when dealing with the states.

I refuse to recite the Pledge of the United States because it is an obvious lie and brainwashing of our little ones.
"Republic for which it stands" - is a lie, it no longer stands for what it did, the Constitution is is mere shambles. We can attack any country with no vote or repercussions. We don't even qualify as a Democracy any longer.
The preferences of the average American appear to have only a minuscule, near-zero, statistically non-significant impact upon public policy.

"Liberty and Justice for all." - Couldn't be further from the truth.

To prescribe more of the same, seems like a bad idea, to me.

All of the studies I have seen produced empirical evidence that shows praying does nothing to change real-world outcomes... over and over and over again... and philosophically I would pose the question to the religious, "If God is all knowing and all powerful, why does he need his little creations to pray? Shouldn't god already know? Beyond that, "God made it happen", otherwise he is not all knowing nor all powerful - or he doesn't care, in which case your prayers wouldn't be answered."

No, I think the better answer has nothing to do with religion and more to do with the fact that peoples lives suck horribly and the despair in society is increasing which manifests as mass shootings and whatnot. The time we're living in now today is worse than that of the gilded age. Our entire political system is broken and everything is corrupted, legally. The healthcare system is broken and bankrupting everyone, school systems in shambles. No real opportunity to advance economically, rising costs for everything.. pick your poison - we're seeing the collapse of America due to corruption and failed policies of 40+ years. This Empire is failing. This is an Oligarchy. Praying and blind faith is among the things that got us here.
@phaZed The problem is, voting blue while better, isn't better enough to actually address any of that. And in many cases is objectively worse.

Politics gets so much better when you boil an issue down to "Does this work?"
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