Humor Section!

Yeah, I sort of thought it might be staged. Who would leave their car unattended at the pump and not be keeping an eye on it?
No-one came to protest.
The minute he pulled in behind I would have been watching.
BTW, where he is spewing out soot on those cars - if he were in Aus he would be off the road with a "Defective Vehicle" sticker on his windscreen.
The relevant authorities here are sudden death on anything that pumps out excessive smoke! ;)

Yeah, but that's not defective. It was designed and built that way.

Heck, look at this they even do it to the authorities in America:

Actually - They stress using environmentally approved/sanctioned equipment by modders in their shows although I doubt they apply it. They're a couple of guys in their 30s building a business and having fun. I used to do my part in some heavy auto/truck fabrications long ago but these guys are always pushing it. Fun to watch the rigs get built. How about a walk-about in this all-wheel drive RV?


This reminds me of an episode of the new Top Gear with the new team this year. Matt Leblanc was driving something very similar in the episode.

All I could think about was it's nice to be so rich to pi$$ away money that way.
You think that's bad... this is what they do to their friends:

This could have killed him and likely cost $3000+ in damages ...

Hey @Barcelona you okay over there?
As @frase said, they're mating not fighting. That's how most snakes, including these Brown Snakes do it.
And BTW, that's a Dingo, a native dog. It looks like it could be on Fraser Island, as Dingo's on the mainland are confined mainly to the bush areas west of the (east) coast.
What would you do if you found one of these in your fence?
Probably just sh!t my pants.
Is this another one of those "common immediate death Australia things"? Seems like with California here, everything causes cancer and in Australia, everything will, eat you, stomp you into the ground, or kill you with venom......
Probably just sh!t my pants.
Is this another one of those "common immediate death Australia things"? Seems like with California here, everything causes cancer and in Australia, everything will, eat you, stomp you into the ground, or kill you with venom......

..and that's just the politicians!