Humor Section!

Me flying my worse ever home-built model airplane... It was extremely tail-heavy and wanted to constantly pop it's nose up and stall... Not to mention it was windy. This was filmed back in 2011, so I apologize for it being filmed with a toaster.

My only saving grace was that it was way over powered allowing me to generally pull it out of a stall and try a go-around...

ROFL!!! You are so lucky to get that plane back in (almost) one piece. They're easy(ier) to fly when they are nose heavy. Never fly when tail heavy. Usually ends very badly but you already knew that. Strange Ugly Stick but always love a twin though. (I have 9 RC planes.....)

(Flying is one of the most exciting things in life. Landing is the first.)

@Add - Here's a pic from 30+ years ago. I enjoy glider guiding but this one's meant for slope soaring the west coast shoreline bluffs not thermaling in the midwest.


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Michigan town elects cat as mayor

OMENA, Mich. (WNDU) -- The small town of Omena, Michigan, inaugurated a 9-year-old cat as its fourth mayor on Saturday.

"Sweet Tart" campaigned against another cat, 13 dogs, a goat, a peacock and a chicken.
Votes for mayor were $1 each and went straight to the Omena Historical Society.

Officials said the new mayor won't have to make many administrative decisions or even have to learn how to write.

"They have their paw. We accept paw prints. Legal documents can be executed with a paw print," explained Keith Disselkoen, Omena Historical Society president. "Because of our internet reach and because of our publicity and because of the ability to receive votes from PayPal, it's really expanded the number of people that have participated."
More than 7,000 people voted in this year's "paw-lit-ical" election.
Sweet Tart will remain in office for three years, until the Omena mayoral race of 2021.
Read the original version of this article at