Humor Section!


Don't I know it!! I recently had an entirely unexpected and "instantaneous" collapse in my driveway, waking up with brushburns on everything that directly hit the asphalt along with torn clothing. It was weird enough that I decided an ER trip was needed, and I was admitted overnight for observation. The cost (so far, as "Explanations of Benefits" are still coming in) is right around $6K. I have a bronze level plan under the ACA, so my deductible is high, but coverage is at 100% after it's met. But the USA's healthcare system is well and truly the most f*ck*d one in the western world. And no one's is perfect, I hasten to add.
... for when you need to pay someone for doing nothing (i.e. money laundering)

Statement of Work for Mailman Observation Specialist

Project Title
: Mailman Observation Services

Scope: The Mailman Observation Specialist will casually observe postal carriers within the designated area, noting general patterns, delivery timing, and any other points of interest as desired.

Duration: Flexible, with the Mailman Observation Specialist determining observation times and frequency based on personal preference, weather, and mail delivery schedules.


  1. Observe: Watch postal carriers as they conduct daily deliveries, casually noting timing, routes, or any notable interactions.
  2. Document: Optional informal notes may be taken to record interesting or memorable observations.
Deliverables: Observation summaries provided only upon request, with no specific content, format, or timing required.

Compensation: $150 per hour, paid monthly via 1099, based on self-reported hours worked.

Other: The Mailman Observation Specialist should supply their own binoculars, notebook, and appropriate attire for outdoor observation. Comfortable seating is recommended.

My cousin and aunt. They keep posting the whole "I give notice that if I post this and Facebook won't own all my content" and the occasional, "Facebook finally fixed me... I am back from being hacked, so watch out" message. I guess they have never heard of using unique, strong passwords and some form of MFA or or hardware passkey/FIDO.