Obama care?

Socialism: a way of organizing a society in which major industries are owned and controlled by the government rather than by individual people and companies.

That's the definition according to Webster.

When I signed up for the ACA, I was told that my payments are to be made to my insurance company. Unless the government bought or "took over" Horizon Blue Cross Blue shield and I didn't know about it, I don't get how that's socialism.

We use these hot "code words" that scare people into believing something that isn't true. Its obvious to me you oppose the law, and as an American citizen that is your right, but calling a hard drive a stick of ram doesn't make it one. Just like comparing an American President to a delusional racist dictator does little to lend credibility to your rightful opposition of the ACA.

Forcing private companies to provide coverage (some of which not even needed) and mandating people to carry it with FINE for non-compliance, IS government-controlled. So what if the government doesn't "own" the companies. Alright, let's not call it "socialism", let's call it "unreasonable government control". Does that work? Although other mandated laws exist, for example auto insurance, I give ACA special attention because of the indirect effect of wealth redistribution, which just happens to be a goal of radical liberalism, and argued to be one of the agendas of the current presidency... Those with little or no money get the health care close to nothing or free, by way of those who HAVE money (if they can even afford it) paying into the system, creating an indirect wealth redistribution system. Be pretty hard to motivate yourself to work hard if your money is being taken away and given to those who don't have, for the sake of full blown "equality"... So much for the "Land of Opportunity"... Don't get me wrong, I'm all for helping the needy, who genuinely need it, but this is not the way...........................As far as Obama being a "DICTATOR", he has repeatedly stepped over the constitution to get what he wants, and he does it as though he believes it's his right, and continuously lies in the process. His most recent attempt to amend the ACA was his speech to "allow insurance companies provide the original coverage for one more year", after insurance companies sent cancellation letters out. That was not passed by congress, he just told the public that's how it's going to be. Although I believe this time congress said, "Nooooo....Not gonna happen this time, Mr. President." It would certainly seem Obama is delusional, although it's also possible that he knows exactly what he's doing with simple overconfidence in his charisma.
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The way I look at it ACA is just another of a long list of government programs created by politicians of all stripes for the purpose of "buying" voters.

This all started with the Social Security Act back in 1935. They managed to sell the American public on the concept that you can get more out of something than you put into it. And it really has not stopped since then. Medicare and Medicaid are two other landmark steps in the wrong direction.

From my perspective ACA is just a precursor to truly socialized (nationalized) medicine in the US. A few years of sky rocketing premiums because of the pre-existing mandates as well as people paying the fines rather than spending $1000's more for something they do not use and they will start talking about nationalization. Since almost 50% of the population is on the dole in one way or another it should not take much. A few half-hearted efforts at reform and the pol's will throw their hands in the air and say the free market does not work.

Funny thing though. They have no problem leaving the free market working in the civil litigation business.
I wonder if the higher rates we will be paying will actually cause enough pressure and demand to lower the cost of healthcare. That would be nice. It would be interesting to see how much margin can be removed from the entire industry before it stops making profit.

Unfortunately once so many more people start to get government subsidies, its almost impossible to go back.

Its turning into a really messed up, bitten by malware, pizza-tech registry "speed tweaked" windows XP installation. And now we can't uninstall MSE, and I want to just N&P the whole thing but the customer can't afford that.
I wont debate the point that this thing has got to get fixed, because it does. There are holes in the law and flaws in the process. The hope is maybe someone will be brave enough to pick up where he started and begin to make positive fixes to healthcare.

30 million people without reasonable healthcare in the richest country in the world is just ridiculous. This belief that this is somehow redistribution of wealth baffles me, in 2008 the largest ever redistribution of wealth occurred. 1/3 of the "middle-class" got wiped out, hard working people who didn't rely on the government were just thrust into poverty. Jobs lost, homes lost, lives lost! All their "wealth" was redistributed, not down to some poor person but up the food chain to their bosses and bosses bosses, etc.

I get bothered when people insinuate that somehow people are impoverished or not as well off as the next guy because he or she chooses to be that way. When a government creates or supports laws or for that matter doesn't enforce laws that are designed to prevent such catastrophic scenarios from happening they have a responsibility to those affected.

There is this notion that the only guy that will benefit from something like the ACA is some guy who never worked or works a minimum wage job. What about the honest hard working guy who put in 10,15, 20 years in a middle management job, only to be let go because of government irresponsibility (notice I'm not blaming Wall Street). This guy still has a family to support so he takes a job paying him less than half of what he used to make. You are gonna tell me that his government doesn't owe him some support, I'm not talking a handout, but the opportunity to save some money on probably one of his family's biggest expenses, decent health care.

I'm not here to defend President Obama or the ACA, not my job or concern. I just believe we sometimes misplace or conveniently forget who the real benefactors are from things like this.
I wont debate the point that this thing has got to get fixed, because it does. There are holes in the law and flaws in the process. The hope is maybe someone will be brave enough to pick up where he started and begin to make positive fixes to healthcare.

30 million people without reasonable healthcare in the richest country in the world is just ridiculous. This belief that this is somehow redistribution of wealth baffles me, in 2008 the largest ever redistribution of wealth occurred. 1/3 of the "middle-class" got wiped out, hard working people who didn't rely on the government were just thrust into poverty. Jobs lost, homes lost, lives lost! All their "wealth" was redistributed, not down to some poor person but up the food chain to their bosses and bosses bosses, etc.

I get bothered when people insinuate that somehow people are impoverished or not as well off as the next guy because he or she chooses to be that way. When a government creates or supports laws or for that matter doesn't enforce laws that are designed to prevent such catastrophic scenarios from happening they have a responsibility to those affected.

There is this notion that the only guy that will benefit from something like the ACA is some guy who never worked or works a minimum wage job. What about the honest hard working guy who put in 10,15, 20 years in a middle management job, only to be let go because of government irresponsibility (notice I'm not blaming Wall Street). This guy still has a family to support so he takes a job paying him less than half of what he used to make. You are gonna tell me that his government doesn't owe him some support, I'm not talking a handout, but the opportunity to save some money on probably one of his family's biggest expenses, decent health care.

I'm not here to defend President Obama or the ACA, not my job or concern. I just believe we sometimes misplace or conveniently forget who the real benefactors are from things like this.

Both sides of the aisle have been pissing me off about the ACA. Since it was passed, with almost nobody reading it, there has been almost no effort to fix it. The republicans have just been trying to abolish it. The democrats, led by the president, have just been in a holding pattern of holding off the republicans, and not even attempting to fix it. As a whole, they have been in denial about any of it being broken, until very recently.

The fact is, healthcare needed to be fixed. The republicans for many years refused to put forward a plan. The democrats rushed out a huge bill that did so many things, they didn't even understand it. The naysayers against it were ignored as just fighting progress. Now it is time to implement it, and the broken parts are still broken. The republicans are still only trying to abolish it. The democrats are starting to wake up to parts of it being broken, but so far are still not putting forward legislation to fix it.

If it is abolished, we are back to square one. We will once again have so many people without health insurance. Actually, if the numbers being released are true, we still have a lot of people without health insurance, they will just be fined for the fact.

They tried to do too much, with not enough time to prepare the bill. Both parties have refused to fix it when they had the chance.
Both sides of the aisle have been pissing me off about the ACA. Since it was passed, with almost nobody reading it, there has been almost no effort to fix it. The republicans have just been trying to abolish it. The democrats, led by the president, have just been in a holding pattern of holding off the republicans, and not even attempting to fix it. As a whole, they have been in denial about any of it being broken, until very recently.

The fact is, healthcare needed to be fixed. The republicans for many years refused to put forward a plan. The democrats rushed out a huge bill that did so many things, they didn't even understand it. The naysayers against it were ignored as just fighting progress. Now it is time to implement it, and the broken parts are still broken. The republicans are still only trying to abolish it. The democrats are starting to wake up to parts of it being broken, but so far are still not putting forward legislation to fix it.

If it is abolished, we are back to square one. We will once again have so many people without health insurance. Actually, if the numbers being released are true, we still have a lot of people without health insurance, they will just be fined for the fact.

They tried to do too much, with not enough time to prepare the bill. Both parties have refused to fix it when they had the chance.

I've begun to identify myself as an independent, and not a Republican anymore, even though I tend to be conservative. Yep the republicans (and everybody else) voted on a law that nobody understood, which is probably the BIGGEST travesty of all. I will stick with what's best for the people. Unfortunately, even if the law gets repealed for fixed, we've still got a major problem on our hands, which is BIG and corrupt government.
30 million people without reasonable healthcare in the richest country in the world is just ridiculous.

Sad that so many people are without professional healthcare, but health care is not a natural RIGHT. Although the law now suggests otherwise. And there are ways of providing for needy people without OBAMACARE. If the government stopped wasting so much damn money, for starters, we would be able to provide more for these unfortunate class of folks, without taking over the health care system.

This belief that this is somehow redistribution of wealth baffles me, in 2008 the largest ever redistribution of wealth occurred. 1/3 of the "middle-class" got wiped out, hard working people who didn't rely on the government were just thrust into poverty. Jobs lost, homes lost, lives lost! All their "wealth" was redistributed, not down to some poor person but up the food chain to their bosses and bosses bosses, etc.

What you're saying is (maybe I got this wrong) the government bailed out a bunch of people/businesses unjustly in 2008, THEREFORE wealth redistribution is NOT occurring in Obamacare? ...and because redistribution occurs at one point, it's ok to keep implementing it in laws?

Unjust bailouts are another example of wasteful spending and political "back scratching", but that doesn't mean we need to go out of our way to deliberately mandate wealth redistribution, whether it occurs directly or indirectly.
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I would hate to have to go back to one of these.



Occasionally, I'd like to n&p my entire life.

Back it up first obviously.!
I got mine to fit snugly on to my trusted floppy.

I had trouble plugging in the drive, the plug is sorta rectangular-ish, my socket is kinda.... well,.....round-ish.

Anyway, problem is that after many pleasant hours searching, I can't find my own personal reset switch.

I thought I found it in one occasion, but repeated tryings only left me needing a stronger pair of glasses.

Up, down, left and right. It just didn't work.......And as for "in and out", well, .....never mind.

Note to self. : trying to perform a self reboot is not a good idea whilst scrutinising a tin of tuna in Walmart.

Asking the sales assistant and accompanying security guard for help : doubly so.

Safety first.
Shuffling down a supermarket aisle with your shorts around your ankles is an accident waiting to happen....... Take them off first.

(The guard did discreetly ask for my telephone number later, maybe he has this problem too).
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