Obama care?

Has anyone with a decent income...that has a good insurance plan currently (aka Cadillac plan)...looked to see what new rates would be?

On my state exchange, the most expensive/comprehensive plan available to me is $437/month. Of course this will vary by location (KY), age (46), tobacco status (No). The initial quotes you receive are the full price (before any income is considered). If you qualify for subsidies, then prices will go down from there.....at least this is how my state's exchange works.
This entire thread is bs with a capital B - no argument made on a forum or citing of facts is going to change anyone's mind. Whether you/me or anyone else believes the opposing view/decision is well informed or naive is immaterial. I believe that all these genre of posts accomplish is to breed discontent in what imho should be an apolitical business and technology related forum. Yes it's in General Chat - whoop. Also I'm pretty damn sure that there aren't many employing 50 plus bodies so as a business topic it's weak.

+1 on the troll factor to the OP( especially having no skin in the game) but I wish to God that the mods would lock threads like this by post 10. There are plenty of other outlets for this type of discourse.

Reading and participating in this discussion is voluntary. If it bothers you, just ignore it. However, I will maintain that this topic is indeed relevant to those of us who are self employed or who work for small firms that don't offer coverage. To presume that because this thread doesn't interest you, it has no value to anyone else is a bit presumptuous..
On my state exchange, the most expensive/comprehensive plan available to me is $437/month. Of course this will vary by location (KY), age (46), tobacco status (No). The initial quotes you receive are the full price (before any income is considered). If you qualify for subsidies, then prices will go down from there.....at least this is how my state's exchange works.

A colleague priced his out already...his price went from ~380 to ~750 for "similar" plans. He dropped to the lowest plan...which brought it down to ~560. That said..he's not in the "low income" bracket.

Next week I may take a look to compare mine. The meeting we were to have with last Fri with our benefits rep..we had to cancel...rescheduled.
According to the letter I just received from health alliance, my individual plan is going from $135/month with a $3,000 deductible to $585/month with a $6,000 deductible. This, according to them, is because they are retiring my plan as a result of the ACA. Makes no difference that I have a HSA. I'm waiting to find a plan through a company not participating in the Illinois exchange, or I'll just go with a catastrophic plan.

On the exchange, my premium would be $6,320/year. No tax credits, no information on deductible. Yeah, that's just marvelous. :rolleyes:
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According to the letter I just received from health alliance, my individual plan is going from $135/month with a $3,000 deductible to $585/month with a $6,000 deductible. This, according to them, is because they are retiring my plan as a result of the ACA. Makes no difference that I have a HSA. I'm waiting to find a plan through a company not participating in the Illinois exchange, or I'll just go with a catastrophic plan.

On the exchange, my premium would be $6,320/year. No tax credits, no information on deductible. Yeah, that's just marvelous. :rolleyes:

Wow, that seems high. Through my exchange, the most expensive plan available to me is $437/month. This plan has a $750 deductible and an annual individual in-network "out-of-pocket" cap of $6000. Coverage provided by Anthem BC/BS and my current Dr. is in the network. Again, this is the full price and includes no income based subsidies.

The cheapest plan is $189/month with a $4750 deducible and an out of pocket max of $6350. Of course there are other differences, like higher co-pays and which benefits are subject to the deductible, etc..

I have 16 different plans to choose from.
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Have you not read the same thread I have?
Apparently not. Are you in the correct thread? I re-read the entire thread again and didn't find anyone mentioning, in minor or major fashion, that Doctors are "under attack", except for your post #111 in which this is a continuing response. This discussion has been about insurance, insurance companies, corrupt corporations and exploitation of the American people. Please, point me to the correct post if I am mistaken.

I'll take it. I definitely don't want to live in a society where the successful are punished for being successful or where someone (or some entity) dictates what you deserve to make based on your profession. I much prefer hard work and a free market to be what decides that.
Well, don't you see that the "free market" isn't a free market at all when it comes to healthcare (Hence the rapid inflation of costs, price fixing), and that's the problem in which the ACA aims to fix? The successful aren't being punished for being successful or having their incomes dictated to them, that's a pretty bold claim in which you offer no proof or references. I would be interested in seeing an article or some research that suggests that this is the case, otherwise it's only but an "anecdotal story".

If someone falls on hard times, well that sucks. I still don't see why I should have to pay for it.
This really makes no sense. If an uninsured individual goes to the hospital and racks up a huge bill and can't pay and goes bankrupt, who do you think gets the bill? YOU DO, I DO, WE ALL DO. Your already paying for it and it's bringing this country to it's knees.

You can throw all the anecdotal stories and cute infographics you want out there; it won't change my view or my goal to be a successful guy in that "1 % pay bracket". I'm in business to make money, (most of) the doctors I know are in business to make money, and I'm even willing to bet you're in business to make money. I'm getting tired of being told my money must be taken from me and given to those who don't work. I'm real ****** my insurance plan is going to be nearly $600/month with a $6,000 deductible, you know because I've got one of those "Cadillac" plans.
I have not offered any anecdotal stories, please point me to where I have done that. On the other hand, your offering nothing but anecdotal stories. The infographic that you choose to ignore, or simply do not accept, was produced by the World Health Organization and George Washington University.
Please, I would be interested in seeing a study or reference that states that your money is being taken and given to a majority of those who don't work. In my previous post I stated as a matter of fact that out of the 1.5 million health related bankruptcies, 78% - over three quarters had health insurance. I don't understand how someone in which you claim doesn't work is in fact buying health insurance at the average cost of $17,943 per year. Does that make sense to you?

I have problems with having to pay for someone's health care because they smoked all their lives, or ate themselves into oblivion, or shot heroin for years, caved their heads in doing something stupid, or had 6 kids they couldn't afford because they were too inconsiderate to keep their legs closed, or are just too damn lazy to work.
Ya, and how would not having the ACA and keeping things the same keep you from paying for those people anyway/already? Here's something to know, and something to help you realize your view may be less than optimal:

The uninsured pay more for care—and get less—than those with insurance. But when the uninsured cannot pay, health care providers shift those costs to those who can pay—those who have insurance coverage. This leads to higher premiums for those who buy their insurance on the individual market, as well as workers who get insurance for themselves and their families through their job.
This “hidden tax” on health insurance arises from a failure to continuously cover all Americans and accounts for roughly 8 percent of the average health insurance premium. This cost-shift amounts to $1,100 per average family premium in 2009 and $410 per average individual premium. By 2013, assuming the cost shift remains the same percentage of premium costs, the cost shift will be approximately $480 for an individual policy and $1,300 for a family policy.
Apparently not. Are you in the correct thread? I re-read the entire thread again and didn't find anyone mentioning, in minor or major fashion, that Doctors are "under attack", except for your post #111 in which this is a continuing response. This discussion has been about insurance, insurance companies, corrupt corporations and exploitation of the American people. Please, point me to the correct post if I am mistaken.

African midwives have a better % of healthy deliveries than American doctors.

2 chickens for a doctors visit.

. . . many doctors who own airplanes and I can tell you they are blood drunk mad about having to sell their private islands and 3rd homes and small jets due to the confusion of what might come.... I feel sorry for them-NOT.

Doctors need to get used to a smaller amount . . .

. . . the doctors try to pressure her into unnecessary treatments . . .

Maybe doctors should swap a checkup for 2 chickens like they did in the 1800's. Lord knows modern science and medicine is killing us.

I'm sure there are more.

Just out of curiosity, and this is not pointed at Phazed directly, I need to get something clear. Posting links to "Center for American Progress", the Kaiser Family Foundation", "CNN", "MSNBC", etc is ok. Announcing Republicans are racist and greedy, only eat caviar and lobster, want to keep the poor on the bottom, pay no taxes and are destroying the country is ok. However, if one posts a link to fox news, or says he/she doesn't like Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Dick Durbin, that's not ok. If someone believes the ACA ranks right up there with the second coming, then they're good people with the right ideas. If someone disagrees with it and sees an exorbitant amount of money being taken from them under threat of legal consequences, then that's bad and that person is wrong and just plain evil. Just trying to get that straight.

Edit: Thought I would add a touch of humor. http://youtu.be/gtyf7UHXNTM
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My state is not running their own exchange so I looked up what was available for me and my family on ehealthinsurance.com.

Cheapest is $341/month with $10,000 individual and $30,000 family deductible. This doesn't even include vision or dental.

I get way better benefits through insurance provided by my work.
I don't mean to pick a fight or see who can gouge each other's eyes out faster or derail this thread.
I wasn't referring to an individual on this board that is "attacking doctors", I mean to ask "how is the ACA attacking doctors?" - That was fairly evident in my original post, but now we have devolved into quoting, every time, one Tony Scarpelli during his lengthy op-ed piece as evidence of the ACA as an attack on doctors? What? On top of that, you stripped the context out of what he is saying, cherry picking his words, which is a bit disingenuous.

Post #:
#76 Tony Scarpelli
"...however we pay higher than any other country in the world while delivering 27th place in real health of our citizens. African midwives have a better % of healthy deliveries than American doctors."
This is called hyperbole, while the midwives statement obviously isn't true or verifiable. I actually find that the US is ranked lower than what Tony states, depending on the metric HERE HERE (US is #38) and HERE (US is #46). So, you find it OK that US doctors get to charge the most of any country (Yes, the US is #1 for spending on HC), yet provide sub-par performance?

#83 Tony Scarpelli
"If we outlawed medical insurance then prices would fall quickly to whatever the average family could afford to pay. 2 chickens for a doctors visit."
-A purely hypothetical situation, not to attack doctors, but to shutdown insurance companies and their scams. The doctors going rate would be adjusted to the "free market" instead of a corporate takeover market as it is now. Like I stated previously, the doctors are a casualty in such a way that they may not be able to charge extravagantly anymore.

"I post on Pilots of America forums and there are many doctors who own airplanes and I can tell you they are blood drunk mad about having to sell their private islands and 3rd homes and small jets due to the confusion of what might come.... I feel sorry for them-NOT."

This explains a personal experience on an airplane forum, again, not attacking doctors. He doesn't even state that the ACA is to blame, rather the "confusion and uncertainty" is causing doctors to hedge themselves IN CASE something goes awry.

BTW because she has insurance (Deep pockets) the doctors try to pressure her into unnecessary treatments which are extraordinarily expensive such as removing her breasts ($250k), and possibly lymph nodes and get toxic treatments ($30k per week) although it has been known for decades that there is no difference in survival having or not having the breast removal with other drug/chemical treatments.

Again, a personal experience that reverberates the same health care M.O. that has been reported and studied for years. These types of stories are plentiful and verifiable.

Of course powers that be will never allow it but If you abolish all insurance then watch how prices fall. Maybe doctors should swap a checkup for 2 chickens like they did in the 1800's. Lord knows modern science and medicine is killing us.

This is a re-hash of the first given quote, again, not attacking doctors, it's attacking insurance.

Posting links to "Center for American Progress", the Kaiser Family Foundation", "CNN", "MSNBC", etc is ok. Announcing Republicans are racist and greedy, only eat caviar and lobster, want to keep the poor on the bottom, pay no taxes and are destroying the country is ok. However, if one posts a link to fox news, or says he/she doesn't like Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, or Dick Durbin, that's not ok. If someone believes the ACA ranks right up there with the second coming, then they're good people with the right ideas. If someone disagrees with it and sees an exorbitant amount of money being taken from them under threat of legal consequences, then that's bad and that person is wrong and just plain evil. Just trying to get that straight.
Is that facetiousness I detect? The problem with republican representatives on many issues is that they coddle the Corporate State, blatantly lie, and don't even represent their own base as a Democracy demands. Fox news is routinely wrong, routinely lies and routinely misrepresents. Fox news is calling the government shutdown a "Democrat Shutdown" - If you believe that then you need not respond because it isn't even debatable as to which party is really to blame for the shutdown. Republicans like to say they don't like government in anything, but then when stuff they like is cut (War memorials) they have a hissy-fit.. then they have a republican douche-bag on Fox cutting the chains to a memorial stating how "un-american" the situation is... all the while he could get his ass to the House and make a vote. The current debt limit issue doesn't even pertain to ACA, they are unrelated. You want to see veterans get health benefits and other benefits, well republicans are making that stop by not passing a spending bill as ransom for doing "something" about ACA which they can't (and don't even have a course of action).

Look, the ACA became law in 2010 and passed the house and senate and the Supreme court. Further, Obama was re-elected as president which should tell you that the public approves. You may not like it, but it's the law of the land.. it's not some bill or resolution. This is not a new development.

Thought I would add a touch of humor this time:
Here's fox news stating that Obama is spending his own money to keep a Muslim museum open with his own money as a matter of fact. In truth, the story came from a parody news site... obviously not true, but that doesn't stop Fox from making a major talking point out of it and duping their viewers.
I don't mean to pick a fight . . .

Hmmm. :rolleyes:

I didn't realize you assumed I was referring to the ACA being an attack on doctors. I assumed you were asking me how I thought some in this thread were attacking doctors. Guess we were both wrong. As for your slams on republicans, thank you for reiterating my point concerning the double standard.
Warning. Liberal rant ahead. If you're a fan of Faux Ruse, Ted Cruz or that bloviating blowhard Limbaugh you should skip this post.

Our founding fathers are doing 360's along their horizontal axis. Their vision of a democratic America had a level playing field where everyone prospered. That has morphed into a plutocracy where a handful of megalomaniac players like Dave and Charles Koch won't rest until they own the planet, your first born or at least merge with the govt and change our name to the US of America, INC.

I haven't read the whole post so I'll admit that straight out, and I'm not looking for a debate, but......

The founding fathers had no visions for a democratic America. Their goal, as stated, was to form a Constitutional Republic. That is why its called the U.S. Constitution. Sorry, that's just a sore point with me lately, hearing everybody talk about America as a democracy. It isn't, and never was. Every democracy throughout history has ended up as some form of socialist/fascist dictatorship. And many Americans today feel that that is where the ACA is taking the USA. Not gonna argue whether that's true or not, just making a statement.

And don't get me started on whether I feel our Founding Fathers were Christians. For the record, I feel they were, but don't want to argue about it on a computer repair forum.

This really is a great thread to read through though. It presents a microcosm of what most Americans are going through right now.

Hmmm. :rolleyes:

I didn't realize you assumed I was referring to the ACA being an attack on doctors. I assumed you were asking me how I thought some in this thread were attacking doctors. Guess we were both wrong. As for your slams on republicans, thank you for reiterating my point concerning the double standard.

Then my assumption was incorrect and I apologize.

My slams on republicans extend to Democrats as well, and I do not consider myself a democrat either, otherwise I would tell you "Touche". I prefer truth and fact, much of which is lacking today from all parties. At the moment however, the most egregious and disgusting manipulation is coming from the right...

Obama has been an utter failure on almost every front. He claims to be a constitutional scholar, but as such, he would get an 'F' from me. It's the same old stuff, he's getting paid and lobbied and controlled like most (if not all) of the other representatives. George Bush should have been impeached... Obama should be impeached. I hold no party loyalties.. kind of like AV software.

Both parties like to pick and choose which part of the Constitution they want to sh*t on, which for me is unacceptable. I vote for Republicans, Independents, and Democrats.. not based on their party, but based on the person and their individual stance on the issues and how far their head is up their own a**.

Ya, I know OF Ed Hill... and I didn't vote for him. He is a big part of the IBEW's problems IMO. Notice: I am doing computer repair now instead of working as an electrician. The problem with Ed Hill, concerning the ACA, is that the Union loses their collective bargaining rights concerning health care under THEIR (The Union's) current providers, which are also partly union.. instead, Unions would be treated equally and Union contractors could optionally not provide insurance(Oh, how horrible!) - but should be a WIN for the Republicans, should it not?

Another problem, which I referenced above... The ACA is not new and Ed Hill voted for Obama, rallied the troops for Obama's re-election and cheered the ACA as it was passed into law... where was he then when it mattered most? Where has he been? Now he pops up in July '13 saying it's no good? Exactly. Now that he finally got around to reading the Law he doesn't like it... boo hoo. FYI, health insurance through the union when I was getting it was almost $900 a month, still cheaper under ACA.

When Ed Hill says you "can't keep your doctor", well, maybe not if you want to use your union health benefits (Get a private insurance plan if it matters that much). For all others, however, again.. you don't have to sign up through the marketplace.. you can keep your same Anthem plan and go see the doctor you always have. The single largest issue with the ACA and doctors is... doctors. The docs get to choose whether to accept ACA or not. I don't see where the rub is. ACA isn't FORCING ANYTHING accept that you must have insurance or pay a truly small fee(Yes, I see where the rub is there). Now, just because I see where the rub is with forcing people to pay "something" whether that is the fine or insurance, something has to give... the math doesn't add up and we're in a lot of trouble in the health arena. So if no ACA, what plan would you or anyone propose be done to reign in costs? One fact is true, it can't stay as it's been. I would be all for the suggestion given earlier about cutting our out-of control military spending and shifting that money, cutting the drug war, stop nation building, pull all/most military forces from many foreign countries and cut many of our military bases abroad. We need more education funding, we suck. A smart citizen gets sick or hurt less and makes better life choices; is a more productive citizen.

ACA is not the second coming, but I do view it as an OK start (It's better than what we had IMO). The single payer option should have been included. The United States can learn much from other countries that provide health coverage for their citizens.

So, let's try this ACA thing out for a while and see what happens. If everything goes to ****, as it already is, then according to the doom and gloomers there will be 30-50% unemployment and globs of poor people under ACA.. guess what, things will change once again, by law or by revolution and we can try something else and you hard core "I can do it all by myself" people can pick yourselves up like you always have.

This entire thread is bs with a capital B - no argument made on a forum or citing of facts is going to change anyone's mind.

Actually, we went from a few self-identifying Republicans basically spitting on it in the beginning to now saying they might look into it. Ha ha. :rolleyes:
The founding fathers had no visions for a democratic America.

neither did they vision US being an oligarchy or a corporate-tacracy when only a few rich folks rule or where the corporations rule.

Real life USA is becoming like the movie Judge Dread and the Taco Bell wars. Or the movie Idiocracy where they dumbed down the public with junk on cable and disabling the eduction system with propaganda and corporations required watering farms with mountain dew and then crops stopped growing.
Real life USA is becoming like the movie Judge Dread and the Taco Bell wars.

That would be the movie Demolition Man that had the taco bell wars. Both movies came out in general proximity to each other and I have been guilty of renting the wrong movie at blockbuster multiple times thinking it was the other. Lol. ;)